Category: knowledge

One Year Later (1933)

First, a pair of blissful honeymooners travel by train. Then, a year later, the same coach is carrying the man to his place of execution. Although it seems hopeless, there are two wild cards on board: the man’s wife and a terminally ill reporter. Credit: Public Domain Movies – Feature Films: Cinema collection: Epoch…

Lifelong Learning: The Key to a Happy Life is Daring to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Albert Einstein is best known for his outstanding contributions in the field of science. We can admire him for tackling unsolved mysteries in the realm of physics and making discoveries that changed the world, like the theory of relativity and the theory of quantum mechanics. To what does he ascribe his achievements? Einstein humbly summarized…

A Decline in Reading Skills Makes Geese for the Plucking

A teacher-friend of mine recently expressed sadness over the stagnation of her students. Before the pandemic she could see students steadily gaining ground. Now she was seeing zero progress on their tests—and maybe even some declines. Tests aren’t everything, she admitted, yet after struggling through online teaching and masks and other troubles, she was disheartened…

Walls | School’s Out with Sam Sorbo

For millennia, individuals and civilizations have used walls, both to keep good things in and bad things out. Boundaries can benefit or hinder us in our quest for knowledge. Tune in to watch how to use those walls to your and your child’s advantage. – Follow EpochTV on social media: Facebook: Twitter: Rumble:…

EpochTV Review: Teaching Is More than Just a Job

In this episode of “School’s Out,” “Exploring Teaching, What It Means To Be a Teacher,” host Sam Sorbo delves into what the job of teaching entails, especially how it is defined by our system of education. The host begins by asking, “What is teaching and what makes an effective teacher?” Teaching is a verb which…