Category: Jane Fonda

Hollywood Star Jane Fonda to Press Climate Change Content During Conference

Hollywood A-listers are ramping up their environmental activism and efforts to push the climate agenda in entertainment content during this week’s Hollywood Climate Summit. The annual three-day conference, which is taking place from June 21–24, creates a community space for entertainment and media professionals to collaborate on climate issues. As described by Agence France-Presse, the…

Jane Fonda Reveals Cancer Diagnosis, Starts Chemo

LOS ANGELES—Actress Jane Fonda on Friday said she had been diagnosed with a “very treatable” form of lymphoma and started a six-month regimen of chemotherapy. The 84-year-old disclosed her diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in an Instagram post. “This is a very treatable cancer. 80 percent of people survive, so I feel very lucky,” Fonda wrote….

Rex Murphy: Hollywood Cause-Merchants Should Keep Their Noses Out of World Issues

Commentary Celebrities, from the C-list to the A-list, have been infesting politics for half a century now. Various halfwits and noodleheads have convinced themselves that because they lucked out in the entertainment lottery, landed a slot on some spin-off soap opera, or because their vulgar howlings won them a Grammy or its so-low-rent equivalent, a…

Rex Murphy: Hollywood Cause-Merchants Should Keep Their Noses Out of Issues They Know Little About

Commentary Celebrities, from the C-list to the A-list, have been infesting politics for half a century now. Various halfwits and noodleheads have convinced themselves that because they lucked out in the entertainment lottery, landed a slot on some spin-off soap opera, or because their vulgar howlings won them a Grammy or its so-low-rent equivalent, a…