Category: introvert

Study: Introverts Are Happier When They ‘Act’ Like Extraverts

If you’re more excited by the idea of a holiday party than a quiet evening reading, you may be an extravert. If it’s the other way around, you may be an introvert. While those labels can be overly simplistic—most people lie somewhere on a spectrum between the two—they’re still useful in understanding ourselves and those…

Study: Introverts Are Happier When They ‘Act’ Like Extroverts

If you’re more excited by the idea of a holiday party than a quiet evening reading, you may be an extrovert. If it’s the other way around, you may be an introvert. While those labels can be overly simplistic—most people lie somewhere on a spectrum between the two—they’re still useful in understanding ourselves and those…

Personality Test: Are you an Introvert or an Extrovert?

5 Ways to Cope as an Introvert in a Video World

By Lynn Power I am an introvert at heart. People often don’t believe me when I tell them this because I seem so obviously extroverted. After all, I’ve had several management and leadership positions in large advertising agencies and have done countless interviews, presentations, and keynotes over the years. And now, I’m out there promoting…