Category: indigenous

Attracting More Indigenous Women to Tech Jobs a Solution to Sector’s Staffing Challenges: Tech Exec

A new study says the world of technology offers opportunities for indigenous women—and for the industry. A recent study done in Saskatchewan found there is considerable room, and interest, in getting more indigenous women involved in tech. “It’s not just being a developer,” Katrina German, CEO of Ethical Digital told The Epoch Times. “There’s a…

Calgary’s Cancellation of Canada Day Fireworks Display Prompts Backlash

An advocacy group that says it represents “common sense Calgarians” has launched a petition calling for a reinstatement of the fireworks display in Calgary on Canada Day. “How about we put an end to this nonsense immediately, and force City Hall to reverse course and bring back fireworks now, this year?” said Common Sense Calgary…

Australian State Premier Says She’s Willing to Go to the UK to Retrieve ‘Priceless’ Artefacts

Queensland state leader Annastacia Palaszczuk says she is willing to travel to the UK to try and retrieve artefacts belonging to the ancestors of local Indigenous communities. The Labor premier’s comments come after the Queensland Parliament, on May 10, passed a new law—with bipartisan support—to set up a “Truth-telling inquiry” to investigate the “continuing impacts”…

Australian State Premier Willing to Go to the UK to Retrieve ‘Priceless’ Indigenous Artefacts

Queensland state leader Annastacia Palaszczuk says she is willing to travel to the UK to try and retrieve artefacts belonging to the ancestors of local Indigenous communities. The Labor premier’s comments come after the Queensland Parliament, on May 10, passed a new law—with bipartisan support—to set up a “Truth-telling inquiry” to investigate the “continuing impacts”…

Foreign Affairs Minister Announces Canada Will Seek Seat on UN Human Rights Council

Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly announced that Canada will seek a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council for 2028 to 2030. “The multilateral system that underpins [human] rights is under threat like never before. To confront this challenge, we must work together to rebuild the human rights foundation to strive towards a more…

Brian Giesbrecht: Bishop Grandin Played an Honourable Part in Manitoba’s History and Shouldn’t Be ‘Cancelled’

Commentary Winnipeg is close to saying goodbye to Bishop Grandin. Soon, the streets, and anything else that bears his name, will be erased from Manitoba’s history. Before that step is taken in historical revisionism, city councillors might at least pay respects to the man who was once considered to be a founding father of this…

Saskatchewan First Act to Stop Federal ‘Overreach’ Draws Ire From First Nations

The Saskatchewan First Act (SFA), designed to give the province autonomy and jurisdiction over its natural resources, has passed the legislature. “This is a major step in defending our economic potential from federal overreach while we continue to build a strong and growing economy that benefits everyone in SK. That’s growth that works for everyone,”…

Saskatchewan First Act to Stop Federal ‘Overreach’ Passed

The Saskatchewan First Act (SFA), designed to give the province autonomy and jurisdiction over its natural resources, has passed the legislature. “This is a major step in defending our economic potential from federal overreach while we continue to build a strong and growing economy that benefits everyone in SK. That’s growth that works for everyone,”…

Brian Giesbrecht: Racially Based ‘Justice’ Is Built on Flawed Reasoning

Commentary Provincial justice ministers of Manitoba and Saskatchewan are urgently calling on the federal government to “convene a bail reform summit to address the increasing level of violence faced by Canadians.” Other provincial justice ministers have voiced similar concerns. What is going on? The immediate concern is bail reform. But it is part of an…

Poilievre Launches Consultations With First Nations on Resource Revenues

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre said he is initiating consultations with First Nations and industry leaders on a new proposal that would allow First Nations to collect more fiscal revenues from resource projects on their lands. Speaking at a press conference in Vancouver on Jan. 24, Poilievre said he will be championing a “First Nations Resource…