Category: immune health

The Miraculous Immune System: A Masterpiece of Design and Resilience for Lifelong Health

In this series, “The Miraculous Immune System,” we have explored the true power of human immunity and the organs that work tirelessly to protect the body. Previously: Bone marrow is vulnerable to a variety of harmful factors and lifestyles, but there are measures we can take to keep this crucial cellular workshop healthy.  The Miraculous…

Beyond the Knife: Warning Signs of an Unhealthy Spleen and 6 Practical Ways to Protect It

In this series, “The Miraculous Immune System,” we explore the true power of our immunity and the organs that work tirelessly to protect us. We also provide practical ways to protect these vital divine gifts. Previously: Though small, the spleen performs a multitude of critical functions, but recent studies have found that COVID-19 can decimate it. The spleen…