Category: Hispanics

GOP Must Embrace Their New Hispanic Friends to Save the Republic

Commentary We live in a country that’s either on the brink of a revival or on the brink of extinction as we knew it. It’s on a razor’s edge and it’s very difficult to tell which way it will go—to the constitutional republic envisioned by its Founders or what amounts to a fiefdom of Communist…

Biden’s Job Disapproval Rate Among Hispanics Hits 60%: Poll

Less than half of Hispanic Americans, compared to a result from last year, told pollsters that they like the job President Joe Biden is doing, against the backdrop of the ongoing baby formula shortage, border crisis, skyrocketing inflation, and fuel crisis. Three-fifths or 60 percent of Hispanics disapprove of Biden’s performance, while 26 percent approve…

Capitol Report (May 17): Top US Officials Testify on UFOs; Inflation Higher Than Projected

In the first open hearing on UFOs in more than 50 years, what did top Pentagon officials say and not say to the American public? Plus, how does it relate to our national security? With true inflation likely much higher than the 8.3 percent number released by the government, how are the folks in California,…

Hispanic Voters Are Losing Faith in the Democratic Party

The support of Hispanic voters at the midterms later this year could prove to be “extremely instrumental” in turning the tide of liberal policies of the current administration, a conservative Hispanic group says. According to a Quinnipiac University poll published in April, only 26 percent of Hispanic survey participants approved of President Joe Biden’s job…

Hispanic Voters Are Losing Faith in the Democratic Party: Poll

The support of Hispanic voters at the midterms later this year could prove to be “extremely instrumental” in turning the tide of liberal policies of the current administration, a conservative Hispanic group says. According to a Quinnipiac University poll published in April, only 26 percent of Hispanic survey participants approved of President Joe Biden’s job…