Category: HIIT

Just Do It: Both Short and Long Workouts Reap Big Results

Exercise is crucial for health and longevity. A huge study published in JAMA Internal Medicine in May 2016 on 1.44 million Americans and Europeans linked a high level of physical activity to a reduction in the risk of 13 different cancers, including breast, colon, lung, and liver.1 A low level of fitness is known to be a risk…

Can’t Get Your Teen Off the Couch?

Many parents understand the frustration of coming home from work to find their teens slumped on the couch with their eyes glued to their phones or the TV. This isn’t unusual, and dozens of studies have shown that physical activity levels decline during the teenage years. In Australia, less than 10 percent of older adolescents…

Comparing High Intensity Interval Training With Moderate Exercising

Exercise is crucial for health and longevity. A huge study published in JAMA Internal Medicine in May 2016, on 1.44 million Americans and Europeans, has linked a high level of physical activity to a reduction in the risk of 13 different cancers, including breast, colon, lung, and liver. A low level of fitness is known to be a…