Category: heart disease and risks

Japanese Researchers: New Evidence for Link Between Gum Disease, Heart Problems

Periodontal disease is likely to be a risk factor for atrial fibrillation, according to a recent study from researchers at Japan’s Hiroshima University, published Oct. 31. The study underlines the link between oral health and heart health. The study, published in the American College of Cardiology’s journal Clinical Electrophysiology, detailed a small group of patients with…

Benefits of Blueberries for Heart Disease

In this new review on the intake of berries and their brightly colored pigments, called anthocyanins, they note four out of five studies “suggest that increased…intake is significantly associated with a reduction in risk of” coronary heart disease, the number one killer of men and women, by between 12 and 32 percent. That lower range…

Listen to Your Heart: Women and Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women of all ages, races, and shapes and sizes in the United States. But women sometimes experience heart disease differently than men. Healthy eating and physical activity go a long way to preventing heart disease, and keeping it from getting worse if you already have it….