Category: heart condition

Study: Video Games Can Be Lethal for Children With Heart Conditions

A new study by the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network has found that electronic gaming can be deadly for children with heart conditions. The study, published Oct. 10 in the journal Heart Rhythm,  revealed that playing video games can cause life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia—an irregular heartbeat—in susceptible children, who may have an undiagnosed heart condition. Australian researchers reviewed 69…

Over 5,000 Cases of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS): Doctors Trying to Determine Why Young People Suddenly Dying | Facts Matter

This video is brought to you by AMAC: As COVID-19 progressed and vaccines became available, reports of professional soccer players collapsing on the field became more prevalent. To better understand this phenomenon, I sat down with Dr. Michael Ackerman, a Mayo Clinic genetic cardiologist and the president of the Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS)…

Over 5K Cases of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS): Doctors Trying to Determine Why Young People Suddenly Dying | Facts Matter

This video is brought to you by AMAC: As COVID-19 progressed and vaccines became available, reports of professional soccer players collapsing on the field became more prevalent. To better understand this phenomenon, I sat down with Dr. Michael Ackerman, a Mayo Clinic genetic cardiologist and the president of the Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS)…

[Premiering at 1PM ET] Over 5K Cases of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS): Doctors Trying to Determine Why Young People Suddenly Dying | Facts Matter

This video is brought to you by AMAC: As COVID-19 progressed and vaccines became available, reports of professional soccer players collapsing on the field became more prevalent. To better understand this phenomenon, I sat down with Dr. Michael Ackerman, a Mayo Clinic genetic cardiologist and the president of the Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS)…

[Premiering at 1PM ET] Over 5,000 Cases of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS): Doctors Trying to Determine Why Young People Suddenly Dying | Facts Matter

This video is brought to you by AMAC: As COVID-19 progressed and vaccines became available, reports of professional soccer players collapsing on the field became more prevalent. To better understand this phenomenon, I sat down with Dr. Michael Ackerman, a Mayo Clinic genetic cardiologist and the president of the Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS)…

Long Work Hours Linked to High Rate of Repeat Heart Attack

The whole idea of working long hours never made sense to me. Why put so much emphasis on one thing at the expense of so many others? A new study by researchers at Université Laval published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology is showing that those long hours don’t make sense to your heart,…

New Heart Condition Drug Listed on PBS

The federal government is subsidising a new drug for Australians suffering with a rare, fatal heart condition through Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). From February 1, Uptravi (selexipag) will be PBS listed for the first time to treat Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH), for use in combination with existing therapies, Health Minister Greg Hunt said in a…