Category: Health & Safety

Gene Mutation May Explain Why Some Dodge COVID Symptoms: Study

A new study suggests that people who contract COVID-19 but do not exhibit symptoms, referred to by researchers as “super-dodgers,” may have a genetic mutation that serves as a form of protection. The research study was published in the journal Nature on July 19 and led by researchers from the University of California–San Francisco. It…

Living in Harmony With Summer

In a time not so long ago, people lived in harmony with the world around them. The shift from one season to another signaled a change in behaviors—what to eat and how to prepare foods, when to get up and go to bed, and so on. Our level of activity also naturally aligned with the…

Aloe Vera: First Aid for Hemorrhoids, Dry Skin, Burns, Wounds and More

Follow the “Herbal First Aid Kit” series here. In this series, we look at natural alternatives to modern first aid kits, which usually consist of medications made from synthetic chemicals. If you’re looking for natural solutions for acute conditions, these herbs are safe, effective, and easily available. The first time I used aloe vera was to treat…

Aloe Vera: First Aid for Burns, Wounds and More

In this series, “Herbal First Aid Kit,” we look at natural alternatives to modern first aid kits, which usually consist of medications made from synthetic chemicals. If you are looking for natural solutions for acute conditions, these herbs are safe, effective, and easily obtainable. The first time I used aloe vera was to treat a bad sunburn…

New Drug Could Prevent COVID-19 and Future Variants

Scientists from the Queensland Institute of Medical Research Berghofer have invented a drug that can both prevent and treat COVID-19, including all new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In their internationally peer-reviewed paper published in the journal Nature Communications, Australian medical researchers found that their drug can both prevent persistent inflammation as well as repair damaged…

The Acai Berry Miracle

Editor’s Note: The following excerpt has been adapted from the book “The Acai Berry Miracle,” by Annie Willis—an extensive introduction to the deep purple acai fruit from the Amazon. Perplexed by what to do with the little gems? Wonder no more—Ms. Willis illuminates us with 60 bowl, juice, and smoothie recipes perfect for every season…

[PREMIERE AT 09:30AM ET] What Changes Happen in a Brain That Is Faithful, Spiritual, Mindful?

“If this area [of the brain] starts to quiet down, then we would expect to see a person … losing their distinctive sense of self, they would feel a sense of connectedness, a sense of oneness.” American neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg explains how the brain changes when a person enters spiritual states of being. “And…

[PREMIERE NOW] What Changes Happen in a Brain That Is Faithful, Spiritual, Mindful?

“If this area [of the brain] starts to quiet down, then we would expect to see a person … losing their distinctive sense of self, they would feel a sense of connectedness, a sense of oneness.” American neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg explains how the brain changes when a person enters spiritual states of being. “And…

Writing, Chess, Puzzles Lessen Dementia Risks in Older Age: New Study

Writing, puzzles, chess and cards are among activities that may help reduce the risks of dementia in older age, according to a new Australian study. Findings from a Monash University research found that older people who often participate in active literacy activities like taking education classes, writing letters or journals and in active mental activities…

After COVID-19, 800,000 Americans Still Have No Smell; 540,000 No Taste

A 17-year-old boy still had no sense of smell or taste six months after COVID-19 infection. But after seeing an integrative and Chinese medicine doctor, they were fully restored. How does treating the body’s energy system succeed in cases where modern medicine fails for COVID-19? An estimated 800,000 Americans haven’t regained their sense of smell;…