Category: grandchildren

Lessons From a 2-Year-Old

I gave my son and daughter-in-law lots of gifts when their son, Elijah, was born. But none has come back to bless me more than the gift of Friday. Since he was 6 weeks old, I’ve closed the door to work on Fridays to care for and learn from my grandson, Eli. In these two…

Grandchild on the Way? Book a Grannymoon

By Lynn O’Rourke Hayes From Do you have a grandchild on the way? Are you hoping to assist when the new bundle of joy makes his or her debut on the planet? Here’s a way to make sure Grandma is rested and ready to be a part of the little one’s life. Put a…

Dear Next Generation: Treasured Christmas Letters From Grandpa

When our first granddaughter was born, it was an exciting time for my husband and me, as it is for most first-time grandparents. My husband had never known any of his grandparents. They were all deceased by the time of his birth, so when we married, he experienced the closeness I had with my grandparents…

How to Plan the Perfect Getaway With the Grandkids

By Lynn O’Rourke Hayes From Is travel with grandchildren on your bucket list? If you or your family members hope to make memories in this way, here are five ideas to consider: 1. Choose a Destination Would the kids like to see an island volcano or send selfies with the Statue of Liberty as…

How to Be a Good Grandparent

Parenthood can be a rollercoaster of emotions, from blissful happiness to abject horror, so when your children have children, your real-life experience can help them and your grandchildren get through the process with flying colors. Be a Resource Think back to when you had your children, and how you found someone who had already raised…

Lessons From My Grandchildren

I promised myself long ago that if I were ever lucky enough to have grandchildren, I would be the best grandmother! I would read to them, sing to them, take them to wonderful places, and teach them all about life. Little did I know that they would be the ones teaching me. Mia and Tyler…

Great-Great-Great-Grandmother With 92 Grandchildren Celebrates Her 100th Birthday

Meet the family spanning six generations of females—with the great-great-great-grandmother celebrating her 100th birthday. With 98 years between Rose Sharp and her great-great-great-granddaughter Amelia, the family from Kent, England, are thrilled to be able to mark the milestone birthday all together. The 100-year-old mother of eight is the head of a huge family and has…

Homeschooling, a Generation Later

Upon writing this, I’m watching my 6-year-old granddaughter tranquilly learn to needlepoint a bookmark. It’s her Mumsee and Pops’s day of play and learning. She’s backlit by the sun, wearing lavender overalls with her long wavy gold hair in a ponytail. This lovely picture brings me back to one of my favorite memories: watching my…

Stars in the Darkness: A Christmas Letter to My Grandchildren

Late last December, I made some New Year’s resolutions that included writing a letter every week to two of my grandchildren at a time and bringing treats once a month to our public librarians and the baristas of the coffee shop I frequent. Usually, my resolutions have the life span of a mayfly, but this…