Category: Good Habits

How to Afford the Big Stuff

One day the market is crashing, inflation is climbing. The next day it seems like everything’s coming up roses. No matter how the economy’s swinging, your mortgage and car payments are still lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce. And then there are the big-ticket items. A busted water heater often comes without warning and…

My Life as a Frog

I have been told if you attempt to pop a frog into a pot of boiling water, he’ll jump out every time. But if you put the little fellow into a pot of cold water, set it on a low flame, and warm it slowly, he’ll sit back, relax and let you cook him to…

With the Holidays Fresh in Mind …

Here we are, a week into the new year! Along with taking the tree down and putting the decorations away for another year, there are several things you should do now while the holidays are still fresh in your mind. 1. Gather all your leftover paper goods into one place — the gift wrap, cards,…

6 Ways Developing Good Habits Can Significantly Improve Your Productivity

By Srikar Karra The correlation between habits and productivity is a strong one. Habits are the small, consistent actions that we take on a daily basis, and they can have a big impact on our ability to be productive and successful. By understanding the role that habits play in productivity, and by developing and implementing…