Category: goals

Why Bigger Goals Can Be Easier to Achieve

I originally shared this post on January 6 in Conscious Growth Club’s (GCGers) member forums, as a follow-up to our quarterly goal planning process. I thought it would be nice to share it here as well. Many CGCers found it helpful. Let me share an unusual insight about why it’s often easier to achieve goals…

Do You Have a Love/Hate Relationship With Goals?

By Jeffrey Shaw How are all those goals you set for the new year going? If you’re like 43 percent of people, many have been set aside within just this last month, and with a continuing decline after that. For the high-achiever, this begs the question: How do we set big goals without setting ourselves…

How to Get Better at Achieving Your Goals

I went into the summer with big plans, mainly to meditate and exercise a lot more. Then I went on vacation, and then the kids were home, and then I had a bunch of work travel…you know how it is. Here’s the thing: Intentions are never enough. Even full-blown goal-setting isn’t worth much if you don’t do…

8 Ways to Have the Best Morning Ever

Rise and shine! How do you start off your morning? Whatever the case, what you do in the morning sets your mood for the rest of the day. It makes sense, then, to make sure you’re having the healthiest, most productive morning possible. Read on for ways to have the best mornings ever. Do you…

7 Ways to Set and Track Goals for Maximum Success in 2022

By Kelly Hyman Goal setting is a common January ritual. Though this month feels like the right time to dive headlong into accomplishment-setting, in my experience it’s actually better suited for reflection and planning, leaving February for taking action. That means, even if you’ve yet to set a goal list for 2022, there’s still time…

Resolve to Take the First Step

How are you doing on your goals for the new year? Just about everyone I know was fired up and ready to face new challenges, learn new things, and become a better version of themselves. However, it seems that the hard part is getting started. If you’ve had difficulty doing what needs to get done,…

Switching from the five-year plan to the right now plan…

The workshop started with a simple question: What do you want? That question was followed shortly with What is your deepest intention? And then, What do you want to create in your life? Out then came the magic markers, poster boards, glue sticks, glitter, and all sorts of other art supplies. We were to start…

10 Positive Things to Do for Yourself in the New Year

I think I know you pretty well. I know I don’t know you, know you, but I’m guessing since you’re here, you’re a lot like me. You want to be your best self. You want to make the most of your life. You want to be the best you can be, physically and mentally, for…

Analysis: Biden’s Lofty Climate Goals Collide With Political, Economic Reality

President Joe Biden campaigned on a promise to restore U.S. leadership in the global fight against climate change and followed up with a dizzying number of executive orders and lofty targets to slash emissions. But nine months into his presidency, political, legal, and economic obstacles have forced his administration to make several moves in support…


The hot-button topic of socialization has a number of connotations, most of them strangely out of tune with education. Let’s consider our goals and expectations regarding this all-important buzzword and what to do about them. Follow EpochTV on social media: Facebook: Twitter: Rumble: Gettr: Gab: Telegram: Parler: