Category: Glenn Youngkin

Virginia’s Youngkin Weighs Options as School Districts Insist on Mask Mandates

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin is exploring options to respond to school districts defying his executive order, which gives parents the final say on whether their children wear a mask at school. Less than a week into Youngkin’s first term as governor, several major public school districts have already announced that they will not allow parents…

Virginia Governor Begins Withdrawing State From 10-state Cap-and-Trade Scheme

Virginia’s new Republican governor is moving to withdraw his state from a regional carbon emissions-trading exchange to which 10 coastal and New England states currently belong, a move that promises to be a major setback for the left-wing environmentalist agenda. On Jan. 15, the day he took office, Gov. Glenn Youngkin signed Executive Order 9,…

‘A Very Strong Start’: Virginia Parents Applaud New Governor’s Focus on CRT, Education

A lot was at stake for parents in Virginia as their new governor Glenn Youngkin took office on Jan. 15. They worked hard to get the Republican votes, and parental rights were the decisive issue for his narrow victory in the gubernatorial election. So far, parents don’t seem to be disappointed. On his first day…

Virginia Governor Bans Critical Race Theory, Names Anti-CRT Advocates to Key Education Posts

On his first in office, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin fulfilled his campaign promise by prohibiting public schools in the state from teaching critical race theory, which he described as an “inherently divisive” concept. Youngkin, who was sworn in as governor Saturday in Richmond, signed nine executive orders and two executive directives to address some of…

Virginia Gov.-Elect Youngkin Picks Next Education Secretary

Virginia Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin on Monday announced his first Cabinet pick, naming Aimee Rogstad Guidera as secretary of education. The appointment continues his promised commitment to reform education, including ending mask mandates for children at schools, removing sexually explicit books from school libraries, and removing critical race theory from school curricula. Home to some of…

Incoming Virginia Governor Vows to Reduce Energy Costs by Exiting Regional Cap-and-Trade Scheme

Virginia’s incoming Republican governor is vowing to take his state out of a regional carbon emissions-trading exchange to which 10 coastal and New England states currently belong—a move that, if successful, would be a major setback for the left-wing environmentalist movement. During a Dec. 8 address to the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce, Virginia Gov.-elect…

Former Spokesman for Democratic DC Mayor Switches Parties Over Biden’s Leadership

A former spokesman for Washington D.C. Democratic Mayor Muriel Bowser says Joe Biden’s presidency has led him to switch political parties. He also voted for GOP businessman Glenn Youngkin, who defeated Terry McAuliffe last month to become Virginia’s next governor. “The reason I switched parties is because of everything that’s going on in the country…

Pastors, Moms, Parents, ‘These People’ and MAGA Flip Virginia

Commentary What occurred in Virginia for the Nov. 2, 2021, election was in some ways an uprising by several demographic groups.  Ground zero for Virginia and the nation, was and still is Loudoun County where moms and parents stared down a radicalized School Board and are now actively seeking resignations from Board members. School District…

Virginia-Governor Elect Says He Won’t Ban Mask, Vaccine Mandates

Virginia’s Republican governor-elect, Glenn Youngkin, says he will not mandate masks or COVID-19 vaccines but also says he will not ban local authorities from imposing mandates. “Localities are going to have to make decisions the way the law works and that is going to be up to individual decisions but, again, from the governor’s office,…

Virginia Governor-Elect Says He Won’t Impose or Oppose Mask, Vaccine Mandates

Virginia Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin says he won’t mandate masks or COVID-19 vaccines, but he also won’t ban local authorities from imposing such mandates. “Localities are going to have to make decisions the way the law works and that is going to be up to individual decisions, but, again, from the governor’s office, you won’t see…