Category: gardening

Surprising Uses for Coca-Cola

By Hunter Boyce From The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Atlanta-based Coca-Cola Company’s world-famous soda has had quite the history since its introduction in 1886. Atlanta pharmacist John S. Pemberton originally touted the drink as a tonic, one containing cocaine and caffeine-rich extracts. The cocaine was removed from the recipe in 1903, and Coca-Cola has been a staple drink in…

Peony and Tree Problems

Question: My peony has bloomed wonderfully for many years but this year the buds are turning black and are not growing. What can I do? Answer: It is too late this year to get flowers, but it is not too late to help prevent problems next year. The symptom you describe is caused by a…

You Can Grow Your Own Corn—and There’s Way More Than Sweet Corn

It’s just a specialized kind of grass. That horticultural description applies to almost all grains, but corn is the only one that home gardeners revere, the only one grown for fresh use—in fact, the only grain commonly found in home gardens period. Does the average American homeowner grow rice or wheat? No. But corn is…

How to Properly Repot a Houseplant (Without the Mess)

Keeping plants alive is one thing, but knowing exactly when (and more importantly how) to repot a plant requires a whole new level of indoor gardening know-how. The right gardening tools are required, of course, but it turns out you don’t necessarily need a green thumb in order to properly repot your most hard-earned indoor…

The Backyard Medicine Cabinet: Growing Your Own Medicinal Herb Garden

“I think everyone should have a medicinal garden in their backyard,” says herbalist Nicole Apelian, who also sells a seed kit in her online store. Here, she recommends her favorite, beginner-friendly herbs to grow. Whether you start with one or plan a full garden, be sure to “study your plants,” she says, “so you know…

Be Your Garden’s Bodyguard

Gardens need protection; rabbits, aphids, and sooty mold will love your harvest as much as you do, and Murphy’s law can send a once-in-a-100-years cold snap as soon as you put in new seedlings. Even if you’ve done everything right—planted the right crops in the right place and spaced them so they have room to…

Blue Hydrangeas

Question: I received a pretty blue flowering hydrangea for Mother’s Day. I already have white-flowering hydrangeas that I would like to turn blue. I was told I could put nails in the soil around the roots to turn them blue. Is that true, and if so, what kind of nails do you use? Answer: It…

Little Known Ways to Get Free Seeds, Tools, Gardening Supplies

There’s nothing like spring and the promise of warmer summer days right around the corner to awaken one’s inner gardener. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or a beginner, given these inflationary times, you may need more time to fork out money on gardening supplies and tools. Well, take heart! There are a number of places…

Starting Your Own Garden–However Big or Small

By Kaitlyn Keegan From Hartford Courant With prices at the grocery store still high, many people are turning to a more sustainable source of food: gardens. Whether you own your home or rent an apartment, there is a way for you to begin growing vegetables. Homeowners have a few options including starting a backyard garden…

The Wonderful World of Compost

Franklin D. Roosevelt wisely said, “The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.” The date was Feb. 26, 1937, and he was making his case to state governors for effective soil management, explaining that healthy soil is an economic asset. Whether one is talking thousands of acres, a backyard garden, or even a compact container…