Category: gain of fucntion

How the Godfather of Gain-of-Function Experiments Became a Target of the Chinese Communist Party | Truth Over News

Ralph Baric is often referred to as the godfather of gain-of-function experiments. His lab at the University of North Carolina has pioneered groundbreaking techniques in virus manipulation and reconstruction. Those techniques were used on bat viruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, with whom Baric has cooperated since at least 2015. More recently, Baric has…

Twitter Censored Dr. Baric’s CV and its Documentation of Gain-of-Function Research and me for Accurately Reporting the Bombshell Story

Commentary The Intercept’s recent FOIA results added abundant documentation of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s funding, using U.S. tax dollars, for dangerous gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab—funding that Fauci had denied in testimony to Sen. Rand Paul; funding, indeed,  that I had tried to share with the public on Twitter in early June, the day before…