Category: Fukushima

‘Powder Keg’ Versus ‘Porcupine:’ $1.06 Billion in US Arms Sales Greenlit for Taiwan in 2023

Washington is okaying a new $440 million arms sale to Taiwan—part of an even greater effort to boost its defenses, with over a billion dollars in deals greenlit this year. What’s driving the urgency? And are the actions turning Taiwan into a dangerous “powder keg” as Beijing claims? Topics in this episode: ‘Powder Keg’ Vs….

Australia to Buy US Nuclear-Powered Submarines

Nuclear-powered submarines are the focus of the latest deal between the United States and Australia. Australia is set to get up to five from America, and sooner than expected. But China isn’t happy, with its officials slamming the news as a “cold war mentality.” President Joe Biden, meanwhile, says the deal will boost stability in…

At UN, Micronesia Denounces Japan’s Plan to Release Fukushima Water Into Pacific

UNITED NATIONS—The president of the Pacific island state of Micronesia denounced at the United Nations on Thursday Japan’s decision to discharge what he called nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station into the Pacific Ocean. In an address to the U.N. General Assembly in New York, David Panuelo said Micronesia had the “gravest…

Japan Nuclear Regulator Approves Releasing Treated Fukushima Water Into Sea

Japan’s nuclear regulators on Friday approved a plan to release treated water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea, giving Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) permission to construct discharge facilities. TEPCO said it planned to release treated water to a coastal facility, where it will be diluted with seawater and then sent through…

Japan Top Court: Government Not Responsible for Fukushima Disaster

TOKYO—Japan’s Supreme Court ruled Friday that the government is not liable for the 2011 Fukushima nuclear crisis, dismissing thousands of evacuees’ demands that the state, not just the utility, pay compensation for damage to their lives. The ruling was the first by the top court on government responsibility for the Fukushima disaster in four compensation…

Fear of Nuclear War Causing Spike In Potassium Iodide Tablet Sales

Talk of nuclear war has been putting many people on high alert since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February, causing potassium iodide tablet sales to skyrocket. At least one supplier Anbex reports it is currently out of stock though a new supply of IOSAT Potassium Iodide in 130mg and 65mg doses is expected in…

IAEA Reviews Water Release From Damaged Japan Nuclear Plant

TOKYO—A team from the International Atomic Energy Agency on Monday began its review of Japan’s plan to begin releasing more than a million tons of treated radioactive water into the sea from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant—a review that Japan hopes will instill confidence in the plan. The 15-member team is to visit the Fukushima…

In Altered Photo from Public TV Network, Nuclear Plant Appears to Issue Black Smoke Instead of Water Vapor

ZDF, one of Germany’s public television networks, has released and deleted a modified photograph of a nuclear plant in a Facebook post, sparking mockery and outrage at a time of intense debate over the low-emission power source’s future during a worldwide push for decarbonization. Like the BBC in the United Kingdom, ZDF is funded in…

Japan Halts Shipment of Black Rockfish Caught Off Fukushima Over Radiation

TOKYO—Japan’s health ministry said on Tuesday it had ordered the suspension of shipments of black rockfish caught off Fukushima prefecture after radiation exceeding an upper limit was detected in a catch late last month. The development comes on the heels of an announcement by Taiwan that it would relax a ban on food imports from…

Japan Maps out Action Plan for Disposal of Fukushima Water

TOKYO—Japan’s government on Tuesday mapped out a plan for releasing contaminated water from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea, including compensation standards for local industry and the compilation of a safety assessment report. Japan said in April it would discharge more than 1 million tonnes of contaminated water in stages after treatment and…