Category: Foods

How to Avoid Viral Infections and Allergies as Summer’s Peak Approaches

A solar term is a period of about two weeks and is based on the sun’s position in the zodiac. Solar terms form the traditional Chinese calendar system. The calendar follows the ancient Chinese belief that living in accordance with nature will enable one to live a harmonious life. This article series explores each of…

Maintain a Healthy Weight With These Natural Antiobesity Agents

Mother Nature is all about balance, but the pace of modern life can cause you to feel a bit tilted at times. If you’re struggling with maintaining a healthy weight—or even if you have only a few pounds to lose—these six natural antiobesity agents can help you shift the scale into equilibrium. 1. Cinnamon This…

High Levels of Toxic Heavy Metals Found in Some Baby Foods: Report

WASHINGTON—U.S. congressional investigators found “dangerous levels of toxic heavy metals” in certain baby foods that could cause neurological damage, a House Oversight subcommittee said in a report released on Thursday. The panel examined baby foods made by Nurture Inc., Hain Celestial Group Inc., Beech-Nut Nutrition, and Gerber, it said, adding that it was “greatly concerned”…