Category: Foods

Everything You Need to Know About How to Select, Store and Freeze Avocados

Avocados are fickle. Sometimes they seem to be ready for consumption but then hard as a rock when cut into. Other times avocados look like they’ll be rotten before you get them home. This unpredictability isn’t just expensive ($1.25 each for medium, $2.50 each for large at my local supermarket, as I write); it also…

Best Food for Hay Fever (Seasonal Allergies)

  “[A] great deal is asked of [our] immune system. On one hand, it has “to respond rapidly and violently to invaders, but at the same time limits both the… response and the collateral damage to the host.” Anaphylactic shock, like when someone with a peanut allergy drops dead after eating a peanut, is an example…

Pasta E Fagioli

When you consider the quintessential ingredients of Italian cuisine, your mind likely dreams up visions of dried pasta, tomatoes, and an assortment of fresh cheeses. But one ingredient that shouldn’t be overlooked is fagioli, which translates to “beans” in English. Legumes, in their many varieties, have been a monument in Italian cooking for centuries, but perhaps no…

Fighting the Ten Hallmarks of Cancer with Food

“The vast majority of cancer research is devoted to finding cures, rather than finding new ways to prevent disease.” And the results of these skewed priorities are plain to see: 2021 is the 50th anniversary of Nixon’s declaration of war on cancer, and the death tolls from the most common forms of cancer in the…

The Best Food for High Cholesterol

“Medicinal plants are [said to be] nature’s gift to human beings to promote a disease free healthy life”—here in reference to amla, a fruit, the Indian gooseberry, described as an “Ayurvedic wonder.” You hear a lot of that larger-than-life talk about amla coming out of Indian medical journals. Who can forget “Amla…, a wonder berry in…

Which Foods Are Anti-Inflammatory?

Intervention studies to enhance healthy ageing need appropriate outcome measures, such as blood-borne biomarkers, which are easily obtainable, cost-effective, and widely accepted.” We need blood-borne biomarkers of mortality risk. For example, having higher levels of C-reactive protein in your blood may increase your risk of dying prematurely by 42 percent. C-reactive protein is the most…

Glyphosate Contamination ‘Widespread’ in Foods Sold at Whole Foods, Amazon, Walmart and Target

The results of the most comprehensive glyphosate testing of food products ever conducted in the U.S. were released by The Detox Project on Tuesday, in a detailed report that shows the true levels of weedkiller contamination in essential foods sold by some of the top grocery stores in the country. The world’s most used weedkiller, glyphosate, was discovered in a wide…

Glyphosate, What Is It, and How Does It Affect You

Since it first went on the market in 1974, glyphosate has been used for weed control, as an exfoliant to eradicate unwanted vegetation and illegal crops, and as a crop desiccant—a chemical applied to crops to dry them out more quickly before harvest. What is Glyphosate? As a non-selective herbicide, it kills most plants. Scientists…

Turkey to Lower Taxes on Basic Foods to Fight High Inflation

ISTANBUL—Turkey’s president announced a significant reduction in taxes on basic food supplies Saturday as the country faces rampant inflation and numerous protests over eroding living standards. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the value-added tax would be lowered to 1 percent from 8 percent on food purchases. His decision will be published in the Official Gazette…

Release Summer Heat With a Hand or Foot Massage

A solar term is a period of about two weeks and is based on the sun’s position in the zodiac. Solar terms form the traditional Chinese calendar system. The calendar follows the ancient Chinese belief that living in accordance with nature will enable one to live a harmonious life. This article series explores each of…