Category: focus

Get Focused and Improve Your Memory

Normal aging can play tricks on your brain. You may have a harder time focusing or absorbing new information. This is normal, but it can make it more difficult to learn and retain new things. But you don’t necessarily have to resign yourself to an “it is what it is” position. By employing a few…

Grounding Yourself When Life Is Chaotic

Lately my life has felt pretty chaotic: lots of projects, calls, and creative endeavors. I’ve also been helping loved ones with things and preparing to move to a new home. Chaos can be beautiful! And I’m embracing it. But it can be hard to embrace chaos when we’re feeling scattered, confused, or stressed. To deal…

Haiku Productivity: The Power of Limits for Increasing Focus

A decade ago, I wrote about “Haiku Productivity” and how limits can make us more productive, more focused, and better able to prioritize and simplify. The idea comes from haiku poetry, in which the poet is limited to three lines and (essentially) 17 syllables. Such a crazy limit, and yet the poetry that can be…

Filter Out the Digital Noise

Without our realizing it, much of our day can be quickly filled with a deluge of distractions from devices. In the moment, they may seem like the most important and satisfying things in front of us, but what if, in fact, they’re keeping us from focusing on what’s truly important? What if we could filter out all that noise and instead…