Category: Flood Geology Series

Flood Geology Series (Episode 2): The Great Ice Age Part1

Can’t wait for more? Watch more Awesome Science content here now: Get 10% OFF every purchase now, enter this coupon code at checkout: EPOCHTV Since the 1700’s we’ve been told that the there have been many ice ages over millions of years, but now meteorologist Michael Oard shares evidence the main-line scientific community won’t…

Flood Geology Series(Episode 1): Mount St. Helens

Can’t wait for more? Watch more Awesome Science content here now: Get 10% OFF every purchase now, enter this coupon code at checkout: EPOCHTV In 1980 Mount St. Helens erupted and quickly became known as “God’s gift to Creationists.” Thirty years later geologist Dr. Steve Austin returns to the volcanic monument to share about…