Category: flash in the pan

Road Trip Fuel: Gas Station Coffee and Chocolate Muffins

In the middle of the night, partway through a cross-country drive, I unfolded myself from the driver’s seat at another random gas station. Someone special was waiting at the east end of Interstate 90, but the rig and I both needed fuel. Unleaded and Road Warrior Blend, respectively. As reliably as diesel hum at a…

Give Arugula Another Chance

“Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for arugula?” asked then-Sen. Barack Obama during an Iowa campaign rally in 2007. There was no Whole Foods in Iowa at the time, and his gaffe, and the inevitable backlash, all became known as “Arugula-gate.” Thus, the fates of arugula and Obama became inextricably…

The Dark Arts of Winter Mushroom Gardens

As the dark days of the year chase us indoors, we look for ways to stay connected to the earth. Seed catalogs, house plants, frozen broccoli from last year’s garden—all reminders that life goes on, and will come back around. Let’s add mushrooms to the list of wintertime ways to plug into the cycle of…

For Colorful Winter Cooking, Mix and Match Your Roots

I was on the hunt for the Winter Pebbles, an assortment of turnips, potatoes, carrots, beets, parsnip, and winter radishes that some enterprising farmers at the market sell as a mix. They look like a basket of gleaming jewels. They remind me of Fruity Pebbles, the breakfast of Flintstones. Storage crops are typically harvested in…

The Partial Enchilada: Red Chile Sauce, a Show-Stealing Addition to Any Winter Meal

Winter is the season for red chile enchilada sauce. You can almost smell the piñon and juniper smoke drifting from the leaky wood stove, as you explore the profound depths of a good red chile sauce made from scratch. The sauce is good on potatoes, squash, and other wintry foods, keeping you warm inside and…

Seeding a New Year

The long nights of January always lead my imagination down a well-worn path to the garden. As I flip and click through the pages of each year’s new lineup of seed catalogs, the images and descriptions of full-grown plants take my mind to an earthy paradise that is waiting in the near future and mine…

Crème Brûlée Flambé, to Bid the Year a Flaming Farewell

The dark days around winter solstice make human beings hungry for light. It could be a decorated tree, a menorah in the window, or just some lights on your house. Whatever your creed or culture, you probably have a tradition that casts a glow during the holidays. But this time around, as we bid farewell…

Kamut Pasta: Ancient Wheat, Cold Air, Perfect Pasta

A group of newly acquainted food writers wandered up the cobbled roads of a Roman hill, presumably toward a Michelin-starred restaurant, in April of 2016. Our loose parade extended half a block, whatever that means in Rome. Atop the hill was an architecture firm, in the penthouse of which awaited an eight-course dinner. Our fearless…