Category: Fitness & Nutrition

Best Iron Food and Supplement Sources

Iron in Foods If you are looking to improve your iron status through diet, here are the best sources from foods (5-18 mg/100 g food): liver, prune juice, kidney, heart, molasses, pork, beef, sunflower seeds, kidney beans, pinto beans, oyster, clam, lima beans, lentils, navy beans, sesame seeds, tahini, chickpeas, hummus, lamb, egg yolk, rice…

Why Kids Shouldn’t Eat Added Sugar Before They Turn 2

I remember a decade ago sitting in front of my 9-month-old daughter, who was in her high chair, and trying to spoon-feed her a pureed green vegetable. It didn’t matter if it was peas, green beans, or something else, because the outcome was the same: I spooned it into her mouth, and it came right…

Delicious Banana Rice Pudding

It’s hard to go wrong when you cook with fruits and whole grains. You don’t need to worry about precise measurements, cooking times or ingredient preparation. The recipe give you general guidelines, but if you do things a little differently, chances are your dish will still be delicious! 4 ripe bananas, sliced 2 cups cooked…

Don’t Fall for the Myths About Soy

Contrary to the negative soy information floating about in today’s technological world, the scientific consensus shows soy is essentially beneficial.  Actually, soy is the subject of some of the worst health misinformation on the internet. We need to tune out this misinformation and follow the science. Greater intake of soy foods is linked to a…

Research Links Frailty to Dementia Risk

A new study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry suggests that seniors with frailty who adhere to a healthy lifestyle could reduce their risk for dementia. Researchers are seeing increasing evidence that taking steps toward healthier actions can significantly affect cognitive health. Researchers analyzed data from more than 196,000 adults older than…

Research Suggests Sucralose Won’t Help You Lose Weight

Does the nonnutritive, no-calorie sweetener sucralose really help you lose weight? Many people use low- or no-calorie sweeteners because they want to avoid the calories that natural sugar, aka sucrose, provides. How does sucralose compare with sucrose? Scientists have explored these and other questions in numerous studies, the most recent of which appeared in the…

Curing Painful Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetics suffering from nerve pain for years are cured within days with a plant-based diet.

Green Tea Discovery Upends Ideas About Its Health Benefits

New research casts doubt on on previous assumptions about how ingredients in green tea work to promote health. Green tea has long been known to have health benefits. In particular, it contains catechins called ECG and EGCG that are said to prolong life. These two substances belong to the group of polyphenols. They are considered…

Broccoli Fennel Soup Recipe

Soups are a great way to nourish the digestive system and give it a break from the typical onslaught that overworks it every single day. This broccoli fennel soup does exactly that. Purpose The purpose of this soup recipe is to make a delicious creation that will not only be accepted by the family, but…

12 Intervention Trials Show Vitamin C Works for COVID-19

Most people know that vitamin C supports the immune system. This finding is backed up by several studies and yet hospitals rarely use it to treat COVID-19. Indeed, a review of 12 studies, including five “gold standard” randomized controlled trials, shows that this simple vitamin saves lives when given in the right dose. The review, which was…