Category: Environmental

The 5G War — Technology Versus Humanity

Can you believe the FCC and the wireless industry trade association when they claim there’s no risk with 5G wireless, especially since they haven’t funded any safety studies? Why Brussels and Belgium halted their testing and Switzerland is delaying its 5G rollout amid 2,000 studies showing harm. STORY AT-A-GLANCE 5G relies primarily on the bandwidth…

Is Fructose As Addictive and Harmful As Alcohol?

Millions of pounds are consumed annually, yet it may be more like a drug than a food and just as damaging and addictive as alcohol… Fructose, which literally means “fruit sugar,”* sounds so sweet and innocent. And indeed, when incorporated into the diet in moderate amounts in the form of fruit – always organic and…

Food Safety Tips

Bring on the holidays! But before you start cooking, take a moment to look over some tips on food safety. They can help avoid getting you and others sick. When preparing food, follow four basic steps: clean, separate, cook, and chill. First, wash your hands, countertop, and cutting board with hot soapy water. Make sure…

The Pandemic Cause No One Wants to Talk About

Public health officials made SARS-CoV-2 the primary target for pandemic measures. Are there other toxic stressors you need to look out for? Find out here. STORY AT-A-GLANCE Toxic stressor exposures, which can be chemical, physical, biological or psychological in nature, hinder your immune system’s ability to fight off viruses, and they deserve greater recognition in…

These 5 Foods Safely Suppress Your Appetite | Eat Better

In this episode of Eat Better, we are going to look at five common foods that can help to control your appetite. They’ll keep you on a natural path toward health and wellness. Being overweight or obese is the result of a complex set of interactions among genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors. As part of…

Toothpaste Ingredient Breeds “Superbugs,” Causes Adverse Health Effects

When you think of your dental hygiene routine in the morning and evening, your mind probably doesn’t think about superbugs.  However, the sad truth is your toothpaste likely contains harmful ingredients that may harm your health by creating superbugs that ultimately put your mouth and your overarching health at risk. Though few are aware of it, ingredients…

Probing Personal Care Products: Look Out for Harmful Ingredients

Shampoo. Shaving cream. Deodorant. Makeup. Hair dye. Perfume and cologne. These and dozens of other products may be in your shower, gym bag, or medicine cabinet. But do you know what’s in them? Could any of their ingredients be risky for your health? Personal care products, including cosmetics, are regulated by the U.S. Food and…

Tylenol’s Active Ingredient Paracetamol Is Destroying Your Fertility: Peer-Reviewed Study

Tylenol is destroying men’s sperm. That’s just one of the alarming revelations in a new article published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental International. The study, “Combined exposures to bisphenols, polychlorinated dioxins, paracetamol, and phthalates as drivers of deteriorating sperm quality” was conducted by an international team of scientists from the United Kingdom and Denmark. [1]…

Tylenol’s Active Ingredient Acetaminophen Is Destroying Your Fertility: Peer-Reviewed Study

Tylenol is destroying men’s sperm. That’s just one of the alarming revelations in a new article published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental International. The study, “Combined exposures to bisphenols, polychlorinated dioxins, paracetamol, and phthalates as drivers of deteriorating sperm quality” was conducted by an international team of scientists from the United Kingdom and Denmark. [1]…

Melanin: The Holy Grail of Radioprotective Food Compounds

Could the melanin found in our bodies and in foods like mushrooms help to mitigate the increasingly dire quantities of radiation we are exposed to daily? Over the course of the past decade, one of the most interesting concepts I have run into while scouring the biomedical literature is the possibility that melanin’s biological role in…