Category: Daniel Werfel

IRS Probe of ‘Twitter Files’ Journalist Coincided With Bombshell Report, Jordan Says

“Twitter Files” journalist Matt Taibbi became the subject of an IRS investigation mere weeks after publishing the series’ first report on the ties between the intelligence community and social media platforms, according to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). In March, Jordan wrote to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel to inquire as to the reason…

Republican Senators Alarmed by IRS’s ‘Disproportionate’ Focus on Enforcement

Some Senate Republicans are worried that the IRS is placing an “overwhelmingly disproportionate” focus on enforcement in its latest budget requests and operating plan. Airing those concerns at an April 19 Senate Finance Committee hearing, lawmakers grilled IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel about his agency’s plans for the $80 billion increase in funding it is set…

Biden IRS Nominee Werfel Pledges No Audit Rate Increase for Households Earning Under $400,000

The U.S. Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on Wednesday to consider Daniel Werfel’s nomination as the next commissioner of the IRS. With $80 billion in additional funds as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, Republican and Democratic lawmakers agreed that restoring the credibility of the tax-collecting agency was paramount under Werfel’s potential leadership. But…