Category: COVID vaccine

Despite Legal Setbacks for Ontario Doctors Critical of COVID Measures, Lawyer Says They’ll Take It ‘All the Way to the Supreme Court’

When COVID-related public health orders were at their most stringent, many doctors questioned or refused to comply with them. Such doctors have since gone through months of disciplinary hearings and now we’re starting to see how their cases are decided. How such cases play out in Ontario could influence how they play out across the…

Continued Lies About Gene Therapy Jab

While investigating the potential for variations in side effects from one batch of shots to another, these authors made a stunning discovery: 30 percent of the total doses given that year in this country had zero side effects—something that only happens when a placebo is used. Did the regulators know? STORY AT-A-GLANCE Since mRNA shots…

[PREMIERING 9PM ET] 28-Year-Old Pro Basketball Player Dies of Heart Attack | Facts Matter

In a truly sad turn of events, a 28 year-old professional basketball player collapsed and died of an apparent heart attack. The player’s name was Oscar Cabrera Adames—and he was a basketball player out in the Dominican Republic. And if his name sounds familiar to you, that might be because back in 2021, there was…

28-Year-Old Pro Basketball Player Dies of Heart Attack | Facts Matter

In a truly sad turn of events, a 28 year-old professional basketball player collapsed and died of an apparent heart attack. The player’s name was Oscar Cabrera Adames—and he was a basketball player out in the Dominican Republic. And if his name sounds familiar to you, that might be because back in 2021, there was…

Laid Low by the COVID Vaccine, Now They’ve Got a Bad Case of Federal Unresponsiveness

News Analysis In April 2021, Adele Fox received a single shot of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. Within a few hours, the 60-year-old resident of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, started feeling shooting pains in her legs, arms, and neck. The pain didn’t abate over the next few days. Instead, it got worse and was accompanied…

Should a Real Expert Debate or Not?

Commentary This morning I read the 10th of probably 100s of articles pleading with vaccine cheerleader Professor Peter Hotez not to debate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. He would never do this because he would be crushed. There really isn’t any doubt about that. The only question is whether anything would be gained for quality science…

Sharing and Collecting COVID Stories: For Those Who Were Burned

Commentary Traumatic times in human experience are often best understood, across cultures, through the sharing of stories. I have a few personal stories from the COVID restrictions. As a mother, daughter, and human, they illustrate to me that something is deeply wrong. First, I was furious that the daycare centers, playgrounds, and local libraries were…

RFK Jr. and the Assassination of Free Speech

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been heavily censored on social media, except for, most recently, Twitter. Are these moves by Meta an attempt to meddle in a free and fair election? Although Kennedy is a Democrat, his ideology is far from today’s woke leftism. RFK Jr. advocates questioning mainstream narratives and educating…

The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery

Commentary In 1928 scientist Alexander Fleming returned to his laboratory after a 2-week holiday. A petri dish of bacteria accidentally left on the lab bench, somehow became cross-contaminated with Penicillium notatum mould. Fleming noticed the mould inhibited the growth of the bacteria. This accidental discovery marked the dawn of the antibiotic era and a turning point in…

FDA Detects Serious Safety Signal for Covid Vaccine Among Kids | Facts Matter

According to a new federally-funded study, children between the ages of 12 and 17 who took the Pfizer vaccine face an elevated risk of heart inflammation, with the elevated risk being present within seven days post-vaccination. While many already knew that, the number of myocarditis and pericarditis events found in this particular age group met…