Category: conspiracy theorist

Are You a Conspiracy Theorist?

Commentary Are you a conspiracy theorist? If you are thoughtful and interested in public affairs, the media will say you are. And they will smear and dismiss you for it. For more than half a century, certainly since the Kennedy assassination, anyone who notices patterns and missing pieces in public life, and attempts a possible…

Family Sues Man Who Claimed Manchester Bombing Victims Faked Injuries: Report

A landmark legal action has been filed against a UK-based blogger by survivors of the Manchester Arena bomb, according to the BBC. Richard D. Hall is being sued for defamation and harassment by a father and daughter who were both left disabled in the 2017 blast, the BBC has said. Hall, who is based in…

Quebec Judge Favours Mother’s Wish to Have Son Vaccinated for COVID Without Father’s Consent

A Quebec judge has ruled in favour of a mother who wants to have her son to receive COVID-19 vaccination without the father’s consent, and has also banned the father from taking the child to participate in COVID-19 protests. In a ruling dated April 12, Superior Court Justice Nathalie Pelletier sided with the 10-year-old’s mother,…

Quebec Judge Favours Mother’s Stance to Have Son Take COVID Shots Without Father’s Consent

A Quebec judge has ruled in favour of a mother who can have her son receive the COVID-19 shots without the father’s consent, and the father is banned from taking the child to participate in COVID-19 protests. In a ruling dated April 12, Superior Court Justice Nathalie Pelletier sided with the 10-year-old’s mother, who said…

Vaccine Mandates: Those Whose Jobs are Threatened Must Hold the Line

Commentary Proponents of vaccine mandates and pursuers of the “COVID zero” impossible dream have effectively depicted those opposed as wingnut conspiracy theorists. Yet at our boutique Ottawa law firm, where we focus on human rights and charter litigation, we are inundated with calls for legal help on vaccine mandates. They come from Canadians in all…