Category: Bytedance

Tiktok Is CCP’s Weapon to Indoctrinate American Youngsters With Communist Regime’s Values: Expert

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is using TikTok to wage unrestricted warfare on the United States by indoctrinating American youngsters with the Chinese regime’s values, according to Casey Fleming, CEO of intelligence, strategy, and cybersecurity firm BlackOps Partners. “Social media is a tool in their war chest. So they use it as an intelligence weapon, and…

Alabama School Districts File Lawsuits Against Social Media Platforms Over Youth Mental Health Crisis

Three Alabama school districts have filed lawsuits against the major social media platforms alleging them to have created a mental health crisis among children. “The harm created by social media companies has strained already limited school resources as educators attempt to combat the widespread problems caused by social media addiction,” said Joseph VanZandt, co-lead counsel…

TikTok Suspected of Retaining Code That Can Switch to CCP Censorship Mode

TikTok recently received international attention as its CEO was questioned on Capitol Hill. A U.S. Congress member revealed that TikTok retains the censorship code for Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, that can be switched to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) censorship mode and access U.S. data. On March 23, the U.S. Congress held a hearing…

TikTok Harvests Your Location, Contacts, Passwords: Cyber Firm Reveals

Chinese-backed social media giant TikTok has been accused of “excessive data harvesting” by cybersecurity firm Internet 2.0. In a new report, the Australian-based firm found the popular music video app tracked the location of users every hour, accessed calendars and contacts, and also conducted “device mapping”—tracking what other apps were installed on a person’s phone….

TikTok Harvests Your Location, Contacts, Passwords, Cybersecurity Firm Reveals

Chinese-backed social media giant TikTok has been accused of “excessive data harvesting” by cybersecurity firm Internet 2.0. In a new report, the Australian-based firm found the popular music video app tracked the location of users every hour, accessed calendars and contacts, and also conducted “device mapping”—tracking what other apps were installed on a person’s phone….

TikTok Matches Definition of Foreign Agent

Commentary Under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 (FARA), TikTok matches the definition of a foreign agent and should be banned. U.S. lawmakers are considering banning TikTok to protect American data from being shared with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). China’s National Intelligence Law obliges all Chinese companies, no matter where they are located, to…

Former Senior Obama Advisor Claims GOP Concerns Over TikTok ‘Bad Faith’

Dan Pfeiffer, a former senior advisor to Barack Obama, has criticized Republicans over their push to ban TikTok, a Chinese social media app that has aroused national security concerns. “The Republicans see the issue as a win-win. If Biden doesn’t ban TikTok, they can paint him as soft on China. If Biden does ban TikTok,…

TikTok Banned on London City Hall Devices

TikTok will no longer be available on official London City Hall devices, the Greater London Authority (GLA) said as the Chinese social media app faces a global purge from official institutions. London’s TikTok ban comes after Westminster and Holyrood banned the app on government devices in England and Scotland over security concerns. Under the UK’s…

TikTok CEO Testifies Company Still Storing Some US User Data Overseas, Raising Security Fears

TikTok is still storing Americans’ data on overseas servers, potentially placing it at risk of being accessed and exploited by China’s communist regime. TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testified on the matter during a March 23 hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on the subject of TikTok’s data privacy practices and ties to…

‘You Should be Banned’: Congress Grills TikTok CEO on CCP Ties

Members of Congress and the CEO of TikTok are engaging in a series of heated exchanges over the app’s ties to China’s communist regime, as the House holds a hearing on TikTok’s data privacy practices. TikTok CEO Shou Chew is appearing before a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee for the first time…