Category: budgeting

Do Interest Rates Go Down in a Recession?

If you’re living in a time of rising inflation, you may hear about the Federal Reserve (or the Fed, for short) increasing interest rates. Inflation is essentially the devaluing of currency over time. If inflation happens too rapidly, people’s purchasing power decreases, and less money circulates into the economy. Key Takeaways A recession is when…

10 Best Credit Cards for Fair Credit

Having a credit card offers a wide range of benefits. Hit with an unexpected expense like a flat tire or broken water pipe? You can take care of it right away and pay off the bill over time. You can also keep an itemized list of payments, apply for loans and even earn rewards like…

Should You Rent in Retirement?

Some people rent in retirement because they don’t have much choice; they can’t afford to own homes. But financial planners say renting can make more sense than owning in some circumstances, even for retirees who can afford the costs of homeownership. Renting offers flexibility as well as freedom from all the chores and expenses of…

Dear Cheapskate: Drowning in Debt, Bouquet Garni How-To, Quilt Rescue

It’s mailbag day, when I reach into my virtual mailbag and pull out a few questions from my dear readers, attempting to respond with specific help and resources. Dear Cheapskate: How can I find a good financial counselor? We are not covering our monthly obligations and falling further and further behind. I am a nervous…

How to Have More Money

You need more money, and you need it now. What are your choices? You have two: You can increase your income, or you can reduce your spending. There are several ways you can increase your income: Increase Income Get a bigger paycheck. Ask for a raise; land a new job that pays a lot more;…

What Is Purpose-Driven Advertising? Does It Work?

Purpose-driven adverting focuses on promoting a brand’s social or environmental values or purpose rather than solely promoting its products or services. Purpose marketing aims to align a brand with a cause or value that resonates with consumers, build brand loyalty, and increase sales. Purpose marketing permeates television and digital advertising. But is it effective? Does…

Should You Be Worried About Your Money in the Bank?

On the off chance you haven’t been paying attention to world news, several banks in the U.S. collapsed (gone broke, busted, washed up, taken down, bankrupt) in recent days. Now, others here and abroad appear to be threatening to follow suit. In A Nutshell What this means is that these failed banks accepted customers’ deposits,…

Cyber Security a Growing Issue for Small Business

By Jason Fell As more business owners utilize technology such as cloud computing and mobile devices and apps, the risk of hackers accessing money and sensitive business data becomes more real. The House Committee on Small Business addressed this issue today during a special hearing called, “Protecting Small Businesses Against Emerging and Complex Cyber-Attacks.” “Small…

4 Ways to Set Up Your Personal Finances Right and Tackle Your Financial Goals This Year

By Kale Goodman The start of the new year ushers in new resolutions and goal setting, ranging from getting in shape to quitting bad habits or even learning a new skill. It’s also the ideal time to take on new financial goals. These might include paying off debt, purchasing a new car or putting more…

Manage the Costs of a Chronic Condition

For millennials with chronic medical conditions—or those raising kids with chronic conditions—health care can be an enormous monthly expense. About 44 percent of older millennials born between 1981 and 1988 have at least one chronic health condition, including migraines, major depression and asthma, according to a 2021 survey of over 4,000 adults conducted by The…