Category: budgeting

3 Signs You May Need a Credit Card Hiatus

When your finances start to spiral and it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up with credit card payments or build toward financial goals, switching your payment method temporarily to cash or debit could help. Spending with credit cards can stimulate the brain’s reward center and drive you to make more purchases, according to a recent…

What’s the Deal With Jumbo Loans

One of the reasons that First Federal Bank failed was the abundance of low-interest jumbo loans they had outstanding. Jumbo loans or mortgages are riskier for banks to make. But what are jumbo loans, and why are they risky? They may have been popular with the recently failed banks, but are they still common with…

How Is Inflation Measured? Understanding the Consumer Price Index

When prices surge across various sectors of the economy, you’ll start hearing analysts talk about inflation. Inflation is the devaluation of currency over time, meaning as goods and services become more expensive, the buying power of your money decreases. People will often first notice inflation by realizing that something they buy regularly is more expensive…

Cars Are Getting More Expensive—Here’s How to Keep Yours on the Road Longer to Avoid Costly Payments

DETROIT—With the average new-vehicle price in the United States at nearly $48,000 and the cost of a used automobile averaging almost $29,000, many people are getting repairs done and keeping their vehicles longer. That’s boosted the average age of a vehicle on U.S. roads to a record 12.5 years this year, according to state registration…

How to Set and Vet Money Goals Midyear

If you set money goals for 2023 back in January, now can be a smart time to check in on your progress. And if you didn’t, it’s not too late to create goals for the next six months and beyond. “If you don’t have your goals, everyone is so busy with life that a year…

How to Lower Your Personal Loan Payments

By Baruch Mann (Silvermann) Personal loans are a great way to access funds for various business purposes, but if the payments are too high, they can become a burden on your cash flow. With rates increasing, you may find that your personal loan repayments have become more expensive. Whether you have just one personal loan…

Go Bankless With a Cash-Only Lifestyle

Even though most Americans regularly use credit cards, many still operate on a cash-only basis. After recent bank collapses, more Americans have taken their money out of the banking system and are looking to go bankless. According to the Federal Reserve, in 2020, about 81 percent of Americans were “fully-banked.” It means that they did…

Lessons From a 2-Year-Old

I gave my son and daughter-in-law lots of gifts when their son, Elijah, was born. But none has come back to bless me more than the gift of Friday. Since he was 6 weeks old, I’ve closed the door to work on Fridays to care for and learn from my grandson, Eli. In these two…

How Much Did the Fed Raise Interest Rates in 2022?

Last month, the Federal Reserve increased interest rates again, the ninth consecutive increase since the Fed began raising rates in March 2022. While the full effects of the latest rate hike remain to be seen, analysts debate whether the Fed will raise rates again at its next meeting in May. This is the big question…

Grocery Delivery Services Pros and Cons

The pandemic forced many people to change their way of life. One change was the way Americans grocery shop. Online shopping and delivery were trending upward before COVID, but it really took off during the shutdown. Many of these online shoppers are using grocery delivery services. But who are these delivery services? What are their…