Category: budgeting

My Life as a Frog

I have been told if you attempt to pop a frog into a pot of boiling water, he’ll jump out every time. But if you put the little fellow into a pot of cold water, set it on a low flame, and warm it slowly, he’ll sit back, relax and let you cook him to…

Using AI for Employee Recruitment

When a job opens and is advertised, employers are inundated with hundreds of resumes. And 52 percent of talent acquisition leaders claim that screening all these candidates is the hardest part. To ease the recruitment load and speed up the hiring process, HR departments are using artificial intelligence (AI) to screen applicants. But how does…

As Fed Rates Rise, Save at a Credit Union

In the past year, the Federal Reserve has employed several interest rate hikes in an effort to stabilize the U.S. economy. Depending on your situation and financial institution, your debt may have gotten more expensive or your savings might have grown. As rates continue to change, it’s worth exploring whether you’re still getting the best…

Beware Debt-Settlement Schemes and Scam Artists

The ads are compelling. “If you have at least $10,000 of credit card debt, you are eligible to have half of it forgiven!” “Debt-settlement solutions!” I see these ads nailed to telephone poles, plastered all over the internet and broadcast over radio and television. Even though I know what’s going on, they grab my attention…

Are Disney World Tickets More Expensive?

Everyone knows the happiest place on earth. It’s been ingrained in us since we were children. As a result, Disney World, despite its recent issues, is one of the hottest attractions in America. But is the happiest place on earth also becoming the most expensive place? We’ll take a look at Disney pricing and if…

How to Avoid Points and Miles Hoarding

Most personal finance advice boils down to this: Save as much as you can, and spend as little as you can. That’s the simplest way to accumulate wealth, build investment income and achieve financial independence (even if it’s not so simple in practice). Yet when it comes to travel rewards—those points and miles earned through…

Without Trust You’ve Got Nothing

Of all the things I’ve ever dreamed of being, advice columnist was never on the list. But here I am playing one every day. That’s because while my inbox loads up with tips, hints and questions related to frugal living and getting out of debt, many questions spill over into dilemmas—family, life, and love. Dear…

Why You Need an Emergency Fund and How to Get One

Four weeks before Christmas, Mitch and Jenn had a string of bad luck. Mitch broke his leg in a skiing accident. Jenn’s car broke down, requiring major repairs. And the aged roof of their home decided to fail right in the midst of a major storm. The financial and emotional toll these events took on…

Inflation Cannot Hide on Amazon Prime

I have often heard it said that the first step in recovery from addiction is to admit that one has a problem. Well, I’m not afraid to admit that over the years I’ve become completely dependent on Amazon Prime for the vast majority of my grocery and household goods shopping. If it’s not something fresh…