Category: BTL

PREMIERING July 25, 3 PM ET (8 PM UK): Kristian Niemietz: ‘Supporting the National Health Service is the Only Accepted Form of Patriotism in Britain’ | British Thought Leaders

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Kristian Niemietz, Head of Political Economy at the Institute of Economic Affairs think tank. Kristian is an expert on reformation of Britain’s National Health Service (NHS), a topic that has seen him subject to backlash and attack. He talks about the special status the NHS has in the hearts…

PREMIERING July 20, 3 PM ET (8 PM UK): Andrew Montford: ‘People Don’t Understand How Difficult Life is Going to Be in the Net Zero World’ | British Thought Leaders

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Andrew Montford, author and director of Net Zero Watch. Andrew talks about the impact on our lives of the complete transformation of society needed to meet government carbon emission targets. And explains that even if Western countries did meet their Net Zero targets, it would make little difference without…

PREMIERING July 18, 3 PM ET (8 PM UK): Paul Morland: ‘Population Collapse is the Greatest Problem Facing Humanity’ | British Thought Leaders

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with demographer and author Paul Morland to discuss how the lack of births and deaths is changing the world we live in. Paul talks about developed societies moving towards societal collapse. As people become more educated, wealthy and comfortable, their priorities change and family sizes shrink. He also talks about…

Marius Balo: ‘China Is a Minefield. You Don’t Know When You Will Step on a Mine and It Will Take Your Foot or Even Your Life’ | British Thought Leaders

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Marius Balo, who tells his incredible story of being wrongfully imprisoned in China for eight years. Marius talks about the horrors he witnessed in the infamous Chinese forced labour system, working on products sold by big Western brands. He went over two years without seeing sunlight. Being wrongfully imprisoned…

PREMIERING July 6, 3 PM ET (8 PM UK): Sir Graham Brady: ‘Governments Around the World Crossed the Line During the Pandemic Lockdowns’ | British Thought Leaders

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Sir Graham Brady, Member of Parliament for Altrincham and Sale West and Chairman of the 1922 Committee. Sir Graham talks about being an early objector to the pandemic lockdown policies, and says governments around the world crossed a line when they moved from being servants of the people to…

PREMIERING July 4, 3 PM ET (8 PM UK): Susie Violet Ward: ‘This Isn’t a Dystopian Nightmare That Couldn’t Come True. It’s Already Happening in Other Countries’ | British Thought Leaders

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Susie Violet Ward, a journalist, author and financial analyst. Susie raises alarm bells about a new centrally-controlled digital currency that the British government aims to introduce – to replace money. Similar plans are being considered by the Federal Reserve and central banks all over the world. This central bank…

PREMIERING June 29, 3 PM ET (8 PM UK): Daniel French: ‘Spiritually Something in Me Snapped When We Were Commanded to Leave Our Churches in Lockdown’ | British Thought Leaders

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Reverend Daniel French, vicar of the British seaside town of Salcombe and co-host of the popular Irreverend podcast. Daniel talks about how the lockdowns affected him and his work as a faith leader when churches were forced to close. He also talks about some of the challenges facing Christianity…

PREMIERING June 27, 3 PM ET (8 PM UK): Marc Sidwell: ‘The West is a Great Adventure in Human History and Should be Celebrated’ | British Thought Leaders

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Marc Sidwell, film-maker, journalist and Director of Research at The Henry Jackson Society. Marc talks about a series of documentaries he made for the New Culture Forum covering the history, achievements and genius of Western civilisation. Marc says the West is something that should be celebrated, and that despite…

PREMIERING June 20, 3 PM ET (8 PM UK): Ethan Gutmann: ‘I Talk to People Who’ve Been Inside the Gates of Hell and Smelled the Sulfur’ | British Thought Leaders

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with Ethan Gutmann, an award-winning China analyst, human rights investigator and author. Ethan talks about his book The Slaughter, and the horrors he uncovered in talking to people who were involved in forced organ harvesting in China. He also talks about researching his next book in Kazakhstan, where he spoke…