Category: behavioral science

The Science of Shopping

Don’t look now, but that man who just walked into the store behind you is not here to shop. He’s a shopping anthropologist on assignment. His employer just landed a big contract with this store. They want to know what makes you tick, and why you do the things you do. Once they have this…

The ‘Nudge’

“Our most sacred rights were interfered with,” Laura Dodsworth says of the COVID-19 lockdowns. In a recent episode of “American Thought Leaders,” host Jan Jekielek speaks with writer and filmmaker Laura Dodsworth about the ways governments in the UK and beyond have used subliminal methods to secretly manipulate the public, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic….

The Nudge: Ethically Dubious and Ineffective

Commentary More and more people in the United States will be wising up to their government’s use of behavioural science—or ‘nudging’—as a means of increasing compliance with Covid-19 restrictions. These psychological techniques exploit the fact that human beings are almost always on ‘automatic pilot,’ habitually making moment-by-moment decisions without rational thought or conscious reflection. The…