Category: behavior

How to Win the Battle Over Temptation

If you’ve ever stopped by the store to pick up milk and walked out with a week’s worth of snacks to go with it, you know something about the power of temptation. Experts say the typical adult is exposed to 3,500 commercial ads in any given day. These hidden persuaders are designed to manipulate our…

The Science of Shopping

Don’t look now, but that man who just walked into the store behind you is not here to shop. He’s a shopping anthropologist on assignment. His employer just landed a big contract with this store. They want to know what makes you tick, and why you do the things you do. Once they have this…

Gender Curricula May Be Fueling a Dangerous Fad Detrimental to Children’s Mental Health: Psychologists

Gender and sex education curricula in schools have become a highly contentious topic in recent years. The programs are becoming widespread, and while they may appear to be designed to respond to increasing gender dysphoria, mental health professionals are concerned that they may cause irreparable harm to children. Curriculum implementation has been met with mixed reactions from parents, teachers, and policymakers. While some argue that gender education promotes healthy…

4 Ways to Completely Destroy Your Credibility at Work

By John Brandon The way we work is changing, but that’s not the only shifting thing in the workplace: Your credibility with your coworkers can also shift—and it can happen faster than you think. Make a few loudmouth remarks, berate people too much, or make up a few loose facts, and you will be ostracized as…

The Surprising Physical and Mental Benefits of Practicing Optimism

As soon as parents bring a new baby home, they begin to look for all the milestone “firsts”—rolling over, sitting up, eating solid food, walking, talking. The list goes on and on until it’s filled with even more advanced educational objectives. Can your child identify the letters of the alphabet and their sounds? What sight…

Spring Clean Your Attitude

Whether you consider yourself a positive person—like actor Jason Sudeikis’s 2020 Golden Globe-winning character, Ted Lasso—or a Negative Nelly, there will always be times when you will feel weighted down by worry. That load doesn’t just sink your happy thoughts; it can also take a toll on your health. A 2019 study on optimism conducted by…