Category: Asian music

Ancient Chinese Flute plays Hopeful Melody

This song describes a group of people who share common beliefs and pursuits, supporting and inspiring each other on the way to their aspired destination, and trekking bravely on the rugged road. Despite all the tribulations, their hearts are full of light and hope. Music name: “Hand in Hand” Composer: Guohua Chen Xiao performance: Guohua…

Ancient Chinese Flute plays Hopeful Melody | Musical Moments

This song describes a group of people who share common beliefs and pursuits, supporting and inspiring each other on the way to their aspired destination, and trekking bravely on the rugged road. Despite all the tribulations, their hearts are full of light and hope. Music name: “Hand in Hand” Composer: Guohua Chen Xiao performance: Guohua…

Chinese Lute Captures the Grace of the Blooming Lotus Flower

The song “Lotus Blooming” was composed by Jia Ge. It evokes the scene of lotuses in full blossom. After being tempered by wind and rain, the flowers bloom more beautifully. The composer hopes to use the theme of blooming lotus flowers to express yearning for a noble character like the lotus flower, which is not…