Category: Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Finding the Child Within

My 3-year-old niece loves collecting trash. Whether it’s a piece of shiny plastic, a discarded box, or a pinecone she found outside, she becomes very upset when you take her treasures away. In the mind of a child, a worthless item becomes the most cherished object on earth. This attitude makes gift-giving easy. For Christmas,…

Theater Review: ‘The Little Prince’: A Search for Meaning

NEW YORK—When one enters the massive orchestra section of the Broadway Theatre, the expectations of a coming spectacle are all around, from not-quite-distinct images moving about the stage curtain, ceiling, and floor of the venue, to the somber yet stirring musical tones, courtesy of composer Terry Truck. For all its promise, what’s presented only partially…