Category: Agent Provocateur

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Used Information Supplied by Megan Paradise to Support Jan. 6 Criminal Charges

California resident Megan Dawn Paradise—who urged protesters to charge up the Capitol’s east steps on Jan. 6 before stealing an autographed baseball from the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)—testified about a fellow Californian to the FBI, leading to two criminal charges being filed against the man. The FBI used information supplied by Paradise,…

Michael Yon: ‘Agent Provocateur’ Tactics Were Seen at Jan. 6 Capitol Protest

The throng of people who stormed the Capitol building on Jan. 6 during the joint session of Congress was led by Antifa and its agent provocateurs who guided Trump supporters into the Capitol building, Michael Yon, a war correspondent who has covered hundreds of protests, told The Epoch Times’ Crossroads program. Yon was on the…