Category: Adolescent psychology

Prozac Is Unsafe and Ineffective for Young People, Analysis Finds

A new analysis finds that Prozac (generic name fluoxetine) is unsafe and ineffective for treating depression in children and adolescents. Regulatory documents show that trial participants attempted suicide after taking fluoxetine, but these events were excluded from the final journal publication in the Archives of General Psychiatry. I notified the journal of the new findings, but the editor…

New Artificial Intelligence App ‘Reframes’ Negative Thoughts to Treat Depression

People can be forgiven for feeling depressed these days. The future touted by global leaders is dire. The 2021-2022 United Nations Human Development Report states that living standards have declined in nine out of ten countries around the world since 2020 and that multiple crises “are hitting us at the same time and interacting to…

Banning Phones in School Helps Classroom Become ‘Focused, Positive’: Psychologist

One of Australia’s highest profile psychologists has backed the move to restrict the use of mobile phones in school, saying it can restore students’ focus and foster a better classroom environment.  Michael Carr-Gregg, who is an adolescent and children psychologist and author of 14 books, said in an email sent to The Epoch Times that…

Teen Brains Tune out Mom’s Voice More Starting at 13

Teen brains no longer find moms’ voices uniquely rewarding starting around age 13, and start to tune into unfamiliar voices more, according to new research. For the study in the Journal of Neuroscience, the researchers used functional MRI brain scans to give the first detailed neurobiological explanation for how teens begin to separate from their parents….

Psychologists Have Traditionally Focused on the Past – What If That’s All Wrong?

For over a century, psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Rogers focused people’s attention on the past. And so when Mary struggles to maintain romantic relationships, she blames her past boyfriends for it. When Chris battles with addiction, he digs into his memories from childhood when he first felt humiliated. And when Saoirse doesn’t…

Link Between Adolescent Screen Time, Aggression and Emotional Problems: Study

Canadian researchers have found “weak but significant” associations between screen time and behavioural problems such as aggression, as well as emotional and mood disturbances in children after analysing 87 studies published from 1960 to 2021. The team analysed 87 eligible studies from 595 articles, totalling over 159,000 participants aged 12 or younger and found that there…

Abnormal Brain Development in Children With Binge Eating Disorder

Researchers from the University of Southern California (US) have found that children suffering from binge eating disorders (BED) have an increased proportion of grey matter densities indicative of abnormal brain development. “In children with binge eating disorder, we see abnormality in brain development in brain regions specifically linked to reward and impulsivity, or the ability to…