Category: adaptogens

5 Adaptogenic Herbs Alleviate Stress and Anxiety Holistically

Oftentimes, when the going gets tough, we stress. It’s natural and essential for survival, but not all stress is good. Finding the balance between experiencing harmful and beneficial stress is essential for our long-term well-being. So how can we modulate our stress response and have it work for us? Summary of Key Points Stress and anxiety…

Adaptogen Teas for Stress Relief and Balance

Adaptogens are plants that help to reduce stress by bringing your adrenal system back into balance. They also boost the immune system. (Don’t we all need that!) When taken internally as adaptogen teas, the aptly-named adaptogen herbs “adapt” to your body’s particular needs. It sounds incredible—a food that knows what your body needs—but it is…

Doctor Shares Alternative Spike Protein Treatments When Go-to Options Fail

Over two years into the pandemic and over a year since the COVID-19 vaccinations rolled out, millions of people are still nursing themselves in the aftermaths as they recover from spike protein injuries, whether it be through COVID-19 or vaccinations. Many doctors put together recommendations on treating long COVID and vaccine injuries based on clinical…

The Enigma of Adrenal Fatigue and Chronic Stress

Do you have more stress than energy? Are you dragging all day, yet can’t fall asleep at night? Do you depend on stimulants to make it through life? Then you may be suffering from adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue is a new name for a very old diagnosis. It’s the idea that too much stress and…

Cooking With Adaptogens: Powerful Herbs and Fun Functional Foods

During the Cold War, Soviet scientists began researching herbs that could give their soldiers, athletes, and even champion chess players an edge. They called these herbs adaptogens, because they help the body better adapt to stress. These same herbs were used thousands of years ago in ancient Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen the…

4 Herbs for Stress, One Makes Your Serotonin Levels Soar

Your body has two adrenal glands located just above each of your kidneys. As part of your endocrine system, your adrenal glands secrete more than 50 hormones, including aldosterone (which helps regulate your blood pressure and blood volume), cortisol and adrenaline, the latter two of which can become overactivated by stress. Indeed, your hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)…

Adaptogens: Restoring Balance to Your Body

Amid several major health concerns and the stress so many are feeling, the human body needs support, and adaptogens can offer it. What Are Adaptogens? A hint is in the name: They’re herbs that help the body adapt to stressors in our lives by restoring balance. In the process, they can help the immune system…