Category: 4th of July

LIVE 8:45 PM ET: Thousands Watch Fireworks on National Mall in Washington to Celebrate July Fourth

Thousands of people watch fireworks on the National Mall in Washington at 8:45 p.m. ET on July 4 to celebrate the America’s 247th Independence Day. …

LIVE NOW: Thousands Watch Fireworks on National Mall in Washington to Celebrate July Fourth

Thousands of people watch fireworks on the National Mall in Washington at 8:45 p.m. ET on July 4 to celebrate the America’s 247th Independence Day. …

Thousands Watch Fireworks on National Mall in Washington to Celebrate July Fourth

Thousands of people watch fireworks on the National Mall in Washington at 8:45 p.m. ET on July 4 to celebrate the America’s 247th Independence Day. …

LIVE 8 PM ET: Macy’s Holds 47th Annual 4th of July Fireworks

To celebrate Independence Day, Macy’s Holds its 47th Annual 4th of July Fireworks at 8:00 p.m. ET on July 4. The 60,000 fireworks will launch from barges on the East River at approximately 9:25 p.m. ET, and lasts about 25 minutes.   …

LIVE 8:45 PM ET: Macy’s Holds 47th Annual 4th of July Fireworks

To celebrate Independence Day, Macy’s Holds its 47th Annual 4th of July Fireworks at 8:45 p.m. ET on July 4. The 60,000 fireworks will launch from barges on the East River at approximately 9:25 p.m. ET, and lasts about 25 minutes.   …

Macy’s Holds 47th Annual 4th of July Fireworks

To celebrate Independence Day, Macy’s Holds its 47th Annual 4th of July Fireworks at 8:45 p.m. ET on July 4. The 60,000 fireworks will launch from barges on the East River at approximately 9:25 p.m. ET, and lasts about 25 minutes.   …

NTD News Today (July 4): Harvard to Use AI as Assistant Teacher; Independence Day Celebrations Kick Off

Harvard University is reportedly starting to introduce AI into the classroom this coming semester, to support teaching students computer science. As 4th of July celebrations kick off around the country, NTD is at the parade in the nation’s capitol. Two abandoned children from Guatemala were discovered by officials near the Texas border. The children told troopers…

LIVE NOW: NTD News Today (July 4): Harvard to Use AI as Assistant Teacher; Independence Day Celebrations Kick Off

Harvard University will reportedly introduce AI into its classrooms this coming semester to provide support in teaching students computer science. As 4th of July celebrations kick off around the country, NTD is at the parade in the nation’s capital. Two abandoned children from Guatemala were discovered by officials near the Texas border. The children told troopers…

In Photos: America the Beautiful Festival in Deerpark, NY

Mika Hale sings “The Star Spangled Banner” at America the Beautiful Festival in Deerpark, N.Y., on July 1, 2023. (Larry Dye/The Epoch Times) America the Beautiful Festival in Deerpark, N.Y., on July 1, 2023. (Larry Dye/The Epoch Times) America the Beautiful Festival in Deerpark, N.Y., on July 2, 2023. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times) Keith Anderson…

Happy Birthday, America!

SSHHREEEEE! BOOM! AHHHH! Up they flash into the night sky, bottle rockets, brocades, Roman candles, and Catherine wheels, exploding in the darkness to the delight of spectators, a glorious fountain of fireworks celebrating Independence Day. Besides serving unofficially as Pyrotechnics Day USA, the Fourth of July is also that midsummer holiday when families and friends…