Tag: The American Story

The Road to the Revolution | The American Story Episode 6

Events such as the French and Indian War, the Stamp Act, and many other things led to increasing levels of dissatisfaction in the colonies with English rule. Fundamentally, the king and Parliament began undermining the longstanding rights and liberties of the American colonists. This tension eventually led to the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party,…

PREMIERING NOW: The Road to the Revolution | The American Story Episode 6

Events such as the French and Indian War, the Stamp Act, and many other things led to increasing levels of dissatisfaction in the colonies with English rule. Fundamentally, the king and Parliament began undermining the longstanding rights and liberties of the American colonists. This tension eventually led to the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party,…

[PREMIERING at 3 PM ET] The Development of the American Mind | The American Story Episode 5

With the Great Awakening doing major work in the American colonies, one of the most evident changes was in the minds of the people. The pastors leading the revivals began preaching the principles of limited government, practical morality, and personal liberty, effectively leading to the development of a distinctly American mind. The teaching of the…

PREMIERING NOW: The Development of the American Mind | The American Story Episode 5

With the Great Awakening doing major work in the American colonies, one of the most evident changes was in the minds of the people. The pastors leading the revivals began preaching the principles of limited government, practical morality, and personal liberty, effectively leading to the development of a distinctly American mind. The teaching of the…

The Development of the American Mind | The American Story Episode 5

With the Great Awakening doing major work in the American colonies, one of the most evident changes was in the minds of the people. The pastors leading the revivals began preaching the principles of limited government, practical morality, and personal liberty, effectively leading to the development of a distinctly American mind. The teaching of the…

[PREMIERING at 3 PM ET]: Early Colonies & the Great Awakening | The American Story Episode 4

As more and more colonists journeyed to America from all across Europe, many of the new colonies were similarly founded upon explicitly religious grounds as Plymouth. Different beliefs led to conflicts similar to those witnessed in Europe. However, a consistent desire for personal liberty and genuine religion caused many of these conflicts to be stopped…

Early Colonies & the Great Awakening | The American Story Episode 4

As more and more colonists journeyed to America from all across Europe, many of the new colonies were similarly founded upon explicitly religious grounds as Plymouth. Different beliefs led to conflicts similar to those witnessed in Europe. However, a consistent desire for personal liberty and genuine religion caused many of these conflicts to be stopped…

[PREMIERING at 3 PM ET]: The Legacy of Plymouth | The American Story Episode 3

In 1620, a different seed was planted in North America. Led by the religiously motivated Pilgrims, the colony of Plymouth began a separate tradition in America based upon individual rights and liberties. Guided by the Christian scriptures, the Pilgrims’ experience vastly differed from that of either the Spanish or the Jamestown colonists. – Feature Films:…

The Legacy of Plymouth | The American Story Episode 3

In 1620, a different seed was planted in North America. Led by the religiously motivated Pilgrims, the colony of Plymouth began a separate tradition in America based upon individual rights and liberties. Guided by the Christian scriptures, the Pilgrims’ experience vastly differed from that of either the Spanish or the Jamestown colonists. – Feature Films:…

The Shortcomings of Jamestown | The American Story Episode 2

Despite Spanish colonization of parts of the Southern Hemisphere, the North American continent failed to be settled by European nations until nearly a century after Columbus’s initial voyage. The first permanent settlement made by England occurred in 1607 at Jamestown. Learn the story of hardship, struggle, and mistakes of this first attempt in North America….