Tag: telescope

Webb Space Telescope Reveals Moment of Stellar Birth, Dramatic Close-Up of 50 Baby Stars

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.—The Webb Space Telescope is marking one year of cosmic photographs with one of its best yet: the dramatic close-up of dozens of stars at the moment of birth. NASA unveiled the latest snapshot Wednesday, revealing 50 baby stars in a cloud complex 390 light-years away. A light-year is nearly 6 trillion miles…

European Telescope Launched to Hunt for Clues to Universe’s Darkest Secrets

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.—A European space telescope blasted off Saturday on a quest to explore the mysterious and invisible realm known as the dark universe. SpaceX launched the European Space Agency’s Euclid observatory toward its ultimate destination 1 million miles (1.5 million kilometers) away, the Webb Space Telescope’s neighborhood. It will take a month to get…

Stunning Mosaic of Baby Star Clusters Created From 1 Million Telescope Shots

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.—Astronomers have created a stunning mosaic of baby star clusters hiding in our galactic backyard. The montage, published Thursday, reveals five vast stellar nurseries less than 1,500 light-years away. A light-year is nearly 6 trillion miles (9.7 trillion kilometers). To come up with their atlas, scientists pieced together more than 1 million images…

Compact Galaxy’s Discovery Shows Webb Telescope’s ‘Amazing’ Power

WASHINGTON—The detection of a highly compact galaxy that formed relatively soon after the Big Bang and displayed an impressive rate of star formation is the latest example of how the James Webb Space Telescope is reshaping our understanding of the early universe. Scientists said the galaxy, dating to 13.3 billion years ago, has a diameter…

NASA Webb Telescope Captures Star on Cusp of Death

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.—The Webb Space Telescope has captured the rare and fleeting phase of a star on the cusp of death. NASA released the picture Tuesday at the South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas. The observation was among the first made by Webb following its launch in late 2021. Its infrared eyes observed all…

Galaxies Spotted by Webb Telescope Upend Understanding of Early Universe

WASHINGTON—Observations by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope are upending the understanding of the early universe, indicating the presence of large and mature but remarkably compact galaxies teeming with stars far sooner than scientists had considered possible. Astronomers said data obtained by the telescope reveals what appear to be six big galaxies as mature as our…

For First Time, Researchers Confirm Exoplanet Using Webb Telescope

Researchers say they have confirmed an exoplanet—a planet orbiting another star—using NASA’s new James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) for the very first time. The planet, known as “LHS 475 b”, is almost exactly the same size as Earth. Researchers say the planet is a few hundred degrees warmer than Earth. Presenting their findings at an American…

Mysteries of Universe in Focus for South African Mega Telescope

CARNARVON, South Africa—South African officials and scientists on Monday celebrated a milestone towards building the world’s largest radio astronomy instrument, which is co-hosted with Australia and aims to unlock mysteries of the universe. The construction launch outside the remote town of Carnarvon, Northern Cape, marks the next phase of developing a complex instrument aimed at…

Neptune and Rings Shine in Photos From New Space Telescope

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.—Neptune and its rings haven’t looked this good in decades. NASA released new glamour shots of our solar system’s outermost planet Wednesday taken by the James Webb Space Telescope. The pictures taken in July show not only Neptune’s thin rings, but its faint dust bands, never before observed in the infrared, as well…

Unprecedented Images of Jupiter Released by James Webb Telescope

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.—The world’s newest and biggest space telescope is showing Jupiter as never before, auroras and all. Scientists released the shots Monday of the solar system’s biggest planet. The James Webb Space Telescope took the photos in July, capturing unprecedented views of Jupiter’s northern and southern lights, and swirling polar haze. Jupiter’s Great Red…