Tag: subscriber

Natelson’s Essays on the US Constitution

I read the entirety of Rob Natelson’s masterful explanations about the U.S. Constitution [printed in the July 7–13 “Defending the Constitution” special edition]. This should be published in book form. Preferably hardcover. Include all of the illustrations. Please consider such. Your encouragement to spread The Epoch Times’ “Defending the Constitution” section by way of online…


My wife and I really enjoy reading The Epoch Times, both in print and online. A couple of articles in one of the recent editions (June 30–July 6) left us feeling like we needed to give some feedback. First, the article [“Device Makers Have Funneled Billions to Orthopedic Surgeons Who Use Their Products” by Fred…

A Global Warming Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, it was called global warming, and the people were led to fear extreme heat. Then it turned cold at times, and the big bad climate alarmists changed global warming to climate change to cover their mistakes. Then somebody slipped up and admitted that the last ice age had volatile weather, and…

Professor Natelson’s Article

I want to thank you and professor Robert G. Natelson for his article on understanding the constitution [printed in the July 7–13 “Defending the Constitution” special edition]. I believe that it should be read by every American and taught in our schools. I also believe that he is right about those who ignore the well-crafted…

The Declaration as Scientific Truth

Recently, there’s been a lot of furor over the NPR criticism of the Declaration of Independence as “a document with flaws and deeply ingrained hypocrisies.” This popular opinion is repeated as if these “flaws” and “hypocrisies,” if they indeed exist, somehow invalidate or give the lie to the argument itself. But I challenge anyone at…


This letter comments on Jean Chen’s article titled “A Mom’s Research: A Deep Dive Into Evolution” (June 30-July 6 2021). Ms. Chen states that, according to PBS’s Evolution website, “the Darwinian theory of evolution has withstood the test of time and thousands of scientific experiments; nothing has disproved it since Darwin first proposed it more…

Why Darwinian Theory Is Fading

The article by Jean Chen on evolution [“A Mom’s Research: A Deep Dive Into Evolution”] in the June 30 paper was spot on. The Darwinian theory fails to explain how the variety of species occurred (including us) and flourished, in addition to saying nothing about how life itself arose on the Earth. Since Watson and…

Don’t Be Intimidated!

Intimidation. It’s a word we all might not like to think of, but it’s a word that affects us and we don’t even know it. The dictionary defines intimidation as “the act or process of attempting to force or deter an action by inducing fear.” We have seen those in the press, social media, academia,…

GOP Can Capitalize on Democratic Primaries

Trevor Loudon, in an article published earlier this year in The Epoch Times on March 10 [“A New Zealander’s 9 ‘Starter Steps’ to Save America From Socialism”], stated that “Trump was outmaneuvered” out of his office. That got me to thinking, cannot the communist-globalist-traitor-backed Democrats be beaten at their own game? If the GOP’s enemies…

Watching the Flag

I was sitting on the deck this afternoon looking out to the hills. About 200 feet from the deck and down about 50 feet in altitude stands a 50-foot pole with a 6-foot-by-10-foot U.S. flag. We just renewed it; they last about three years here. At 75, I have been lucky to have grown up…