Tag: School districts

Every School District in OC Improved Its Fiscal Health in 2022—Except for 2

Orange County, California has 28 school districts, and they all share the fiscal year end of June 30. The timely release of their annual financial statements is usually before the end of the year. However, only 22 of them had their auditors field work completed before Dec. 31, 2022. Huntington Beach Union High School District…

How Unions Influence School Districts’ Financial Rankings

Commentary In his most recent book, “Not Accountable,” author Philip K. Howard observes “that unions in the public sector can get what they want by helping friendly politicians get elected. As labor leader Victor Gotbaum put it, ‘We have the ability, in a sense, to elect our own boss.’ Public sector ‘bargaining’ is a misnomer;…

Ohio Teachers Can Now Carry Guns in Classrooms

School teachers and other staff at educational institutions across the state of Ohio will now be allowed to carry firearms on campuses, including inside classrooms, after House Bill 99 came into effect this week. The bill was signed into law on June 13 by the state’s Republican Gov. Mike DeWine. It allows school districts to…

Why California Parents Are Running for School Boards | Shawn Steel

California parents want to get more involved with the school board to have more input on what is being taught in the school curriculum. My guest is Shawn Steel, former California GOP chair. He explains the impacts of politics on the school board and what’s causing parents to take action.   * Click the “Save”…

Biden Admin Threatens to Stop Florida From Defunding School Districts That Require Masks

The U.S. Department of Education on Monday said it would take “enforcement actions” if Florida doesn’t remove financial sanctions on school districts that are acting in violation of state rules about mask mandates. The warning comes weeks after the Florida State Board of Education unanimously voted to approve additional punishment for school districts that remain…

Biden Admin to Provide New Grants for Schools That Defy State Order, Impose Mask Mandate

School districts that defy their states’ orders by implementing mask requirements and other COVID-19 restrictions are expected to receive new financial support from the federal government. The U.S. Department of Education on Thursday announced that it will start a new grant program called Project SAFE (Supporting America’s Families and Educators). In the coming weeks, eligible…

NTD Evening News Full Broadcast (Aug. 10)

New York’s Governor Cuomo announces his resignation, Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget bill is on the Senate floor after the chamber passed the $1.2 trillion infrastructure package earlier this week, and multiple school districts in Florida and Texas are defying their governors and requiring masks for students as young as pre-kindergarten.

Students Without Masks Can’t Be Kept Out of Classrooms, Educators Say

Students cannot be banned from school campuses for refusing to wear a mask during the upcoming curricular year, educational leaders say. “The state wants to continue the mask mandate, but there’s no way to enforce it,” San Ardo Union Elementary School District Superintendent Catherine Reimer told The Epoch Times. “For school districts we have something in the…