Tag: routine

Warm Up Before Working Out, Stretch After

If your joints start hurting while you’re working out, it’s best to stop and take another approach. Joint pain is never good during exercise, and it can signify two things: potential injury or the fact that your body isn’t quite ready for the strain. This may be of particular interest as temperatures begin to drop….

How High-Yield CEOs Build a Schedule to Maximize Efficiency

By Steven Nelick You may have heard the saying that it isn’t time management we have trouble with—it’s choice management. We all have the same amount of time in a day. So if we aren’t getting things done, the problem isn’t that we don’t have enough time. The problem is that we aren’t making good choices…

Routines Are Meant to Be Broken

Routines are important. Having solid routines in place allows us to have productive days. By making certain actions habitual, such as when we get up in the morning, when we work out, and what we eat, we can allocate willpower and discipline (both finite resources) toward the unexpected variables that life inevitably throws our way….

Why Developing a Fun Habit Is Better Than Pursuing Happiness

We all want to be happy, and the idea of happiness as a learned skill has never been more popular. Searching for happiness offers us all a glimmer of hope—from Baby Boomers pining for the joys of the past, to young adults experiencing record levels of loneliness, anxiety, and burnout. Who doesn’t want a reprieve…