Tag: Rep. Darren Soto

Bipartisan Lawmakers Advocate Boosting American Pharmaceutical Production

Reps. Darren Soto (D-Fla.) and Buddy Carter (R-Ga.) are pushing forward bills aimed at raising the domestic production of drugs in a bid to strengthen the health care security situation in America. In an interview with The Hill, Soto pointed out that the country faces drug shortages mainly owing to the fact that it is…

Graves Amendment Recognizes Pipelines’ Value as Fish Reefs

In the midst of contentious debate over the markup of Rep. Brownley’s (D.-Calif.) H.R. 2643, which would assess an annual fee on oil and gas pipeline owners of $1,000 per mile in shallow water and $10,000 per mile in deep water, the House Committee on Natural Resources passed an amendment to the bill from Rep….