Tag: National School Lunch Program

Punishing Schoolchildren to Advance the LGBTQ Agenda

Commentary The media headlines would make George Orwell spin in his grave: “GOP Engages in Literal Food Fight Over LGBTQ Protections”—MSNBC.com, Aug. 8, 2022. “Next on the GOP’s List: Starving Queer Kids”—Texas Observer, Aug. 1, 2022. “Republican AGs Sue for Schools’ Right to Deny Free Lunches to Gay and Trans Kids”—Jezebel, July 28, 2022. “The…

22 States Sue Over ‘Gender Identity’ Rule Controlling $29 Billion For Poor Kids’ Meals

Twenty-two states are suing President Joe Biden’s administration for threatening to zap school-meal program funding unless the states comply with new rules surrounding gender identity and sexual orientation in schools. The lawsuit represents the latest volley fired in the ongoing battles between state officials and Biden, who they accuse of usurping their authority through his…