Tag: National Citizens Inquiry

National Citizen’s Inquiry Report to Soon Be Released

More than a month after the end of the National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI), which examined the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the lead legal counsel says a report on the findings will soon be released and the group is considering other ways to continue spreading the word. “The intention really was just to hold…

Woman Denied Transplant for Refusing COVID Vaccine Gives Emotional Testimony at National Citizens Inquiry

A woman who urgently needs an organ transplant but has been pushed to the bottom of the waiting list because doctors say she must have a COVID vaccine—something she maintains would be unsafe given her condition—told her moving story recently during testimony at the National Citizens Inquiry. “Whatever these doctors are doing, you’re evil, there’s…

COVID Policies Harmed Children’s Emotional and Social Development, Psychotherapist Tells National Citizen’s Inquiry

A psychotherapist with a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology testified to the National Citizen’s Inquiry that COVID-19 policies such as masking and lockdowns harmed the emotional and social development of Canadian infants and children. “[Children] are at risk for failed developmental milestones, disrupted social-emotional interaction, and risk for reduced capacity for emotional and behavioural regulation,” registered psychotherapist…

National Citizen’s Inquiry: Psychiatrist Criticizes Lack of Emphasis on Treatment During Pandemic

On the second day of the National Citizen’s Inquiry’s (NCI) stop in British Columbia, a psychiatrist questioned the lack of emphasis governments and public health authorities placed on potential treatments for COVID-19, instead focusing on the creation and distribution of vaccines. “I have absolutely no idea why our government and our public health people did…

Statistician Decries ‘Incongruence’ Around Official COVID-19 Data at National Citizen’s Inquiry

On the first day of the National Citizen’s Inquiry’s (NCI) stop in British Columbia, a statistician said that based on data from the province, COVID-19 was shown to be no more dangerous than the flu. “With the number of people who died within the median age of death, it’s very unlikely that none of them…

Canada ‘Threw Away’ Lessons Learned in Previous Pandemics: Former Head of Alberta’s Emergency Management Agency

The former executive director of Alberta’s Emergency Management Agency said governments across Canada “threw away” lessons learned during previous pandemics when responding to COVID-19, causing “massive collateral damage” while failing to stop the transmission of the virus. “There’s no point in running the lessons learned after this pandemic, because the only lessons we will learn if…

National Citizen’s Inquiry Suspended by YouTube

The National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI), a non-government public inquiry into COVID-19 being organized by Canadians, said it had been suspended by YouTube for a two-week period. The temporary suspension, announced by NCI on April 26, means the Alberta hearings, being held in Red Deer, will not be broadcast or livestreamed on the organization’s YouTube channel….

Lawyer Testifies That Canadian Military Doctors Were Told Not to Report Vaccine Injuries

Following the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) doctors were told not to report serious adverse vaccine reactions, according to a lawyer for Canadian veterans. “I have military doctors who provided sworn evidence that they were told not to report vaccine injuries, or if they asked how [to report] they were told, ‘just be quiet,’”…

Researcher and Professor Criticize COVID-19 Vaccine Trials at National Citizen’s Inquiry

A researcher and a professor criticized the way COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials were conducted in their testimony at the April 13 hearing of the National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI) in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Drug companies rushed their trials and failed to account for factors such as long-term data, long-term safety and efficacy, and post-infection natural immunity and…

‘Untold Economic Damage’: Jordan Peterson Slams Governments for Copying CCP’s Pandemic Response

Best-selling author and commentator Jordan Peterson ripped into the global response to COVID-19 in a pre-recorded address to the National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI), arguing that “untold economic damage” was done by copying the pandemic strategy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). “In our panicked idiocy, we copied one of the most authoritarian societies that have…