Tag: Matthew Pottinger

Chinese Regime Has Stolen Enough Data to Compile ‘Dossier’ on All Americans: Former Official

A former U.S. national security official warned that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is stealing data to compile a “dossier” on every American adult and may use coercive means to influence private citizens and political leaders. During a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing this week, former Trump deputy national security adviser Matthew Pottinger said the CCP has…

US Needs to Fight Back Against China’s ‘Political Warfare,’ Expert Warns Senators

The Chinese regime is waging political warfare against the United States and U.S. policymakers need to recognize it for what it is, warned former deputy national security adviser Matthew Pottinger. “We’ve failed to adequately appreciate I think one of the most threatening elements of Chinese strategy, and that’s the way it seeks to influence and…

LIVE: Reflections on US—China Relations

Don’t Fall For China’s ‘Negotiation Traps’: Former Trump Advisor

The new U.S. administration should stand firm when dealing with Beijing and avoid falling into the communist regime’s crafty “negotiation traps,” a former White House security official has said. “Don’t fall for a trap that Beijing sets time and again for administration after administration, which is to try to lure the United States into a…

EU Parliament Says China Deal Threatens EU Credibility on Human Rights

The European Parliament has criticized the EU executive for rushing to reach an investment agreement with the Chinese regime despite ongoing repression in Hong Kong and other parts of China. The European Commission, the European Union’s executive body, said on Dec. 30 that it had agreed with Beijing “in principle” on the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement…

EU Parliament Must Reject China Investment Pact Following Hong Kong Mass Arrests: Patten

Following mass arrests of opposition figures in Hong Kong earlier Wednesday, Chris Patten, the last British governor of Hong Kong, urged the European Parliament to reject the investment agreement the European Commission reached with the Chinese regime last week. More than 50 pro-democracy activists, former lawmakers, and politicians were arrested in Hong Kong on Wednesday…

Senior US Security Adviser Slams EU-China Investment Deal: Report

The White House deputy national security adviser has reportedly slammed a major business investment deal that was made “in principle” between the EU and China on Wednesday. On Thursday, Matthew Pottinger said that the deal, made despite China’s “grotesque human rights abuses,” has shocked American politicians on both sides of the aisle at a time…

White House National Security Council Remembers Chinese Whistleblower on Anniversary

The White House National Security Council (NSC) criticized the Chinese regime via Twitter on Dec. 30, saying the current pandemic would be vastly different if it had not censored whistleblower doctor Li Wenliang. “One year ago today, Dr. Li Wenliang warned his medical colleagues over social media about clusters of cases of unknown pneumonia in…