Tag: Lymphatic Flow

Beyond Detox: Unlocking the Secret Healing Power of the Lymphatic System

In this series, “The Miraculous Immune System,” we’ll explore the true power of our immunity, the organs that work tirelessly to protect us. We’ll also provide practical ways to protect these vital divine gifts. The lymphatic system is our “immune network manager,” designed to keep internal and external toxins and invaders away from our body….

How Exercise Improves Post-Surgical Results for Lymph Removal

If you’ve had surgery — particularly if you’ve had any lymph nodes removed – exercise is your ticket back to health. And once you understand how your lymphatic system works, you’ll see why it’s necessary to stimulate it any way you can. The lymphatic system is a vital part of your body’s immune system. The…

How to Detoxify and Heal the Lymphatic System

We’ve all heard of the lymphatic system, but few understand how it works or why and how a properly working lymphatic system is vital to the body. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that transport lymph throughout the body. Its responsibilities include cleaning the cellular environment, returning proteins and excess tissue fluids to…

What We Should Know About Our Lymphatic System

When you hear the term “circulatory system,” what comes to mind? Most of us think of the vascular system, the amazing array of arteries, veins, and capillaries through which the heart pumps 1,900 gallons’ worth of blood each day, in a circular loop. Few of us think of the other circulatory system, even though it’s…

Get Your Lymph Moving

For me, exercise is just as important as diet and supplements when it comes to maintaining my health. When I had my second cancer surgery they removed a large portion of the lymph glands in my lower body. This handicapped me in a way, because if I don’t move enough to keep that lymph moving,…

Critically Important and All but Ignored: Lymphatic Flow

Evidence is rapidly growing that chronic inflammation plays a large part in causing chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiac, neurologic, and gastroenterological disorders. Various diets, including vegetarian, low-fat, saturated fat, Paleo, vegan, lectin-free, and others are recommended to reduce inflammation. However, proponents of good health also suggest that in order to minimize the risk…